Pigment spots on the lips: features of formation and methods of control

Small pigment spots on the skin (freckles) are not dangerous, they are just a feature of the skin. But if pigment spots appear on the lips, then you should be wary. Such pigmentation may be harmless, but sometimes it is a sign of a serious disease that occurs in a latent form. Therefore, if you want to get rid of pigment spots located on your lips, you should first consult a doctor. After all, if the reasons for the appearance of pigmentation lie in the disease, then it is necessary not to fight the consequence, but to treat the underlying disease.

What can the appearance of spots indicate?

Pigment spots appear in the corners of the lips and on the lips themselves for a variety of reasons.

Factors contributing to their appearance are:

  • Sunburn . The skin on the lips is thin and delicate, but not all girls remember the need to protect it from ultraviolet radiation. Sunburn on the skin of the lips manifests itself first with the appearance of painful redness, and then with the formation of blisters. After the skin has healed, a brown pigment spot may appear at the burn site - a sun spot.
  • Liver diseases . Hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases in the first stages are often asymptomatic. One of the manifestations of the disease may be the formation of age spots, including on the lips.
  • Hormonal imbalances . Often, a pigment spot on the lip appears in women during pregnancy. The reason for this is due to serious hormonal changes. Pigmentation on the lips in both women and men can appear with age, as hormonal levels change in older people. Another reason for the appearance of pigmentation can be the incorrect use of hormonal drugs, including external ones - ointments, creams.
  • Injuries . Various skin damage, especially deep ones, can cause dark spots to appear on the lips.
  • Poor quality cosmetics . Using fake lipstick or gloss can cause pigmentation on the skin of the lips.
  • Herpes . Sometimes dark spots appear on the site of healed herpes sores.
  • Long-term use of medications . Some medications, when taken for a long time, significantly increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Pates-Jeghers syndrome . A complex pathology that is often inherited. It is characterized by the formation of polyps in the intestines and the appearance of brown spots on the skin and mucous membranes, including on the lips.
  • Avitaminosis. Sometimes the cause of age spots is a vitamin deficiency.

The second reason for pigmentation is skin damage and disease.

Cuts, pimples, and other skin damage lead to excess melanin production.
Why? Any damage to the skin causes inflammatory reactions, which in turn, as written above, lead to the activation of melanocytes in our skin. And then the situation from the first point is repeated. The second reason for skin pigmentation during damage is that damaged skin may not be able to regenerate the skin pigments that were in it before the damage. Any type of skin condition, such as eczema, can also cause hyperpigmentation.


The following types of pigmentation may appear on the lips:

Do you have freckles?

Of course there is! No and there is no need!

  • Chloasma . This is the name for irregularly shaped red spots with clear boundaries. They appear during hormonal changes and liver pathologies. The predisposing factor for the appearance of spots is solar ultraviolet radiation. After eliminating the cause (for example, after childbirth, if spots appeared during pregnancy), chloasma disappears on its own.
  • Lentigo . This type of pigment formation can manifest itself as the formation of a single spot or many small spots. The spots have clear boundaries and a regular shape - round or oval. There are several types of lentigo - solar, juvenile and senile. Solar appears at the site of a sunburn. Juvenile lentigo is small spots that form on the skin before the age of 10 and go away after puberty. Senile lentigines are larger spots, they can appear in places that are often exposed to sunlight, including on the lips.
  • Moles . Moles (nevi) on the skin of the lips are a rare occurrence. The reason for their appearance is the hereditary characteristics of the skin. Nevi can be flat or convex. Some types of moles are safe, but there are nevi that have a tendency to develop into cancer. Therefore, if you have such an education, you must definitely monitor its changes. If there is a high risk of degeneration, it is better to remove the mole in advance.
  • Fordyce granules . Lip stains can be more than just brown. Thus, small white or light yellow nodular formations on the lips are Fordyce granules. These rashes are harmless and do not cause physical discomfort, but they are unsightly. Therefore they can be removed.

Pigmentation - freckles. Genetic causes of pigmentation

Freckles are genetic, hereditary causes of pigmentation that are passed on through DNA. Freckles do not necessarily appear in children; they can appear across generations. Girls should remember before deciding to fight them that freckles visually reduce their age by 5-6 years, so there is no point in fighting them with such a gift of nature. Freckles on their own are harmless, but they can become a major pigmentation problem if you are a sun lover and tanner. The second possible problem is if you start a merciless fight against them and forget about protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation, in which case the effect may be the opposite.

How to fight?

The skin of the lips is very thin, so using conventional whitening products in this area can lead to disastrous results. The skin will begin to dry out and painful cracks will appear on it. Therefore, you need to choose the mildest possible means to eliminate pigmentation.

Makeup – regular and permanent

The easiest way to make pigment spots on your lips invisible is with makeup. Lipstick will hide this flaw. But not everyone will like constantly walking around with painted lips and making sure that the lipstick doesn’t smear.

A more convenient way to disguise is permanent lip makeup . The tattooing procedure itself is not complicated, but it needs to be done in a salon with a good reputation and a qualified artist. The specialist applies the coloring pigment to a shallow depth, so the tattoo remains for several years, then the procedure will have to be repeated.

In order for the result to be good, it is important to provide proper care for the skin of the lips after tattooing. Immediately after the procedure, the lips will be slightly swollen and the pigment will appear very bright. Don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon. In a week, the skin will completely heal, and after some time, the color of the lips will pale a little, that is, the color will acquire the planned brightness.

After performing the procedure, it is important to avoid anything that can cause skin irritation or provoke the development of an inflammatory process. Therefore, at first you will have to refuse:

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

  • from cosmetics;
  • from using soap;
  • from spicy food and alcohol intake;
  • from kisses;
  • from visiting the sauna, solarium, swimming pool.

For a week (until the crusts completely fall off), you will need to use ointments with a softening effect. For example, “Bepanten” or “Actovegin”. In addition, to prevent exacerbation of herpes before the procedure and for some time after it, you need to take antiviral drugs

Elos therapy

To eliminate pigmentation on the lips, a beauty salon may offer an elos therapy procedure.

The essence of the procedure is the use of two components - light with a certain wavelength and bipolar current . The effect is carried out precisely on the cells that produce brown pigment. The surrounding tissues are not injured.

The impact parameters are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the color and size of the pigment spot. After the procedure, the stain may darken a little, but after a few days a crust will form at the site of the stain, after which the pigment spot will disappear or become significantly lighter. To completely remove the stain, long-term treatment is usually required. It will take 3-8 sessions with a break between them of at least 10 days.

Whitening with folk remedies

To eliminate pigmentation, you can use folk remedies. You need to choose recipes that do not dry out the skin. Too aggressive an effect on the thin skin of the lips will not bring any benefit. You should not apply compositions that contain lemon juice or horseradish juice, badyagi powder, or hydrogen peroxide to your lips. But moisturizing compositions can be used to eliminate age spots on the lips.

Here are some recipes.

  • Lubricate your lips with sour cream or other fermented milk product several times a day. You can add a little honey to the sour cream, then the composition will not only whiten, but also nourish;
  • grate the cucumber, put the green mass on a gauze napkin and apply the resulting compress to your lips;
  • wipe lips or just pigmented areas with fresh juice from parsley leaves. Or chop the greens and mix them in equal quantities with thick sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the lips for twenty minutes;
  • Mix cottage cheese with honey and sour cream; instead of sour cream, you can use fresh strawberry puree. Apply this mixture to your lips for half an hour.

Asymmetrical lips

Working with asymmetrical lips . This problem can manifest itself in different ways.

In some cases, the asymmetry is visible in a calm state with the lips closed; it can concern both the upper and lower lips from the side of the contour or the oral fissure.

And sometimes, the problem is of a dynamic nature, that is, it manifests itself during movement and facial expressions of the mouth.


In each of these cases, correction options are selected only during an examination by a cosmetologist, since only a filler based on hyaluronic acid may be required, and there may also be an addition in the form of botulinum therapy (injections of Botox, Dysport and analogues).

A doctor who is inexperienced in working with such lips may not take into account all the nuances and may not use all the necessary techniques; on the contrary, he may use those that will only aggravate the problem and leave no hope for a full correction of the existing problem.


If asymmetry can be corrected, the result is often amazing. Fillers are not just a great way to eliminate lip asymmetry. As a result, after the procedure you get very juicy and tender lips and, of course, they will decorate the appearance of any woman.


It is easier to prevent the appearance of pigment spots on the lips than to try to remove them later. Therefore, people who are prone to hyperpigmentation need to take good care of their skin. Effective prevention is as follows:

  • Before going outside, you should use lipstick that provides additional protection from the sun's rays. Lipstick can be colored or hygienic;
  • try to spend less time in the sun during the period when the star is active (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.). If you need to go out at this particular time, you should wear a hat that casts a shadow on your face;
  • consult a doctor in a timely manner if signs of the disease appear and undergo a course of treatment;
  • Take complex vitamins periodically (after consultation with your doctor);
  • use only high-quality cosmetics;
  • try to avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, as these bad habits negatively affect the immune system;
  • After an injury (including after tattooing or piercing), the skin of the lips must be provided with proper care. It is important to avoid exposure to direct sunlight during the healing period.

The evolution of permanent makeup

In the past, tattooing was limited to the contour of the lips, and the color of the pigments was noticeably different from the natural shade. The contour turned out to be contrasting, as if the lips were outlined with a pencil, but not painted with lipstick. The result helped in applying makeup, but in itself looked unnatural.

But the demand for the service has not gone away, because girls will always have a request for procedures with which you are confident in your beauty 24 hours a day, anytime and anywhere, regardless of makeup.

The situation has changed: the procedure has developed in techniques, materials and equipment. Indications for permanent lip treatment are as follows:

  • Correction of asymmetry or inharmonious shape
  • Correcting a blurry, unclear outline
  • Visual lip augmentation without fillers
  • Adding a luscious tint so your lips don't look pale without makeup

Nowadays it is not customary to do just the contour of the lips, since the effect is too unnatural. The depth of pigment injection is less than 1 mm, the result lasts about 2 years and fades smoothly and imperceptibly as skin cells renew.

The stages of the procedure invariably include cleansing, primary anesthesia, and the procedure itself with the PM apparatus. During the work, secondary anesthesia is often used to reduce the client’s discomfort to a minimum.

Chemical peels

Depending on the depth of the pigment, superficial or medium peeling can be used to remove pigmentation.

Glycolic peeling is superficial; this procedure is practically painless and safe. To perform the procedure, formulations based on glycolic acid are used; in addition, lactic and fruit acids can be included in the mixture. Under the influence of acids, the top layer of cells containing melanin is exfoliated. In addition, glycolic acid has a depressing effect on melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment.

Removes pigmentation and retinoic peeling . The drug contains retinoic, kojic, phytic and azelaic acids. This procedure helps stabilize melanin production.

If the pigment is deeply embedded, medium peeling . This is a less harmless procedure, so it should be carried out by an experienced specialist. Most often, formulations based on triloacetic acid are used.

Review of real reviews on getting rid of pigmentation

In order not to be unfounded, we studied the reviews of women who underwent pigmentation treatment therapy. Here are some of them:

Violetta, St. Petersburg, 35 years old:

“I went to the south and returned with a gift - pigmentation near the mouth. I couldn’t fix it with sour cream at home. I went to the salon 3 times for laser treatment. Now everything is as before.”

Lera, Arkhangelsk, 32 years old:

“Every year, pigmentation appeared on my face by summer. Its appearance stopped after I started using creams with arbutin.”

Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don, 29 years old:

“I found a great way to get rid of pigment spots above the lips. As soon as darkening appears, I start rubbing it with frozen parsley infusion.”

For information on how to get rid of age spots, see the “Live Healthy” program:

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