Causes, types, discoloration of teeth (changes in tooth color).

Why do stains appear on teeth: the main reasons

The initial form of caries can be provoked by various factors, but most often this happens due to the formation of an acid-base imbalance in the oral cavity. A large number of harmful microorganisms constantly live in the mouth, which actively participate in the process of food decomposition. Food particles tend to remain between the teeth and on their surface, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Other reasons leading to the destruction of the structure of the enamel layer on the teeth include:

  • incomplete or poor oral hygiene. After some time, failure to comply with hygiene rules leads to the appearance of white plaque on the teeth, which acts as an excellent environment for the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, microorganisms produce harmful acids, which negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel. This process can be prevented by regular oral hygiene procedures. If, nevertheless, destruction of the enamel is observed, then treatment of caries at the spot stage will help prevent complications;
  • hereditary predisposition. Even at the moment of conception and during intrauterine development, the structure and strength of tooth enamel is laid in the baby. When the mother’s body during this period lacks fluoride, calcium, vital vitamins and minerals, the risks that the child’s teeth will be excessively fragile and prone to the formation of carious processes are maximum;
  • poor nutrition. Tooth enamel will be hard and durable if the daily diet contains foods high in calcium, fluorine and phosphorus (fish, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, milk). But foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods) must be kept to a minimum. This will protect the enamel from premature destruction;
  • changes in the composition of saliva and its increased viscosity. Along with the fact that saliva is involved in the process of softening the food consumed, it also cleanses the surface of the teeth from food debris. When, due to changes in the structure of saliva, its acidity increases, a constant destructive effect on the teeth is formed. This process leads to the development of carious pathologies.

Often the initial form of caries appears in the area of ​​the neck of the tooth, which is difficult to clean with a toothbrush. Regular examination of the condition of the teeth by a dentist and, if necessary, professional cleaning will help prevent the development of carious processes.

Associated symptoms of eyeball pain

Know! Pain can affect not only the eyeball, but also be accompanied by accompanying symptoms or have certain characteristics.

The eyeball hurts when pressed or inside

If pain is felt only when pressing on the eye, this indicates an increase in IOP, the development of tumors, primary or secondary glaucoma, as well as previous injuries.

Sometimes the cause of such pain can be simply eye fatigue.

If pain is felt inside, this indicates a foreign body entering the eye or vascular damage.

Eyeball and head hurt

If migraines are observed simultaneously with pain in the eyeballs, it is necessary to check for the presence of various infectious diseases that can spread to any organs of vision.

Eyeball hurts when moving

Pain in the eyeball when rotating the eyes or moving them to the sides is a sign of glaucoma at the stage when surgical intervention is indispensable.

The eyeball is red and painful

It is worth noting! Redness of the eyeball with accompanying pain is the most common symptom, which may indicate a number of disorders and diseases:

  • allergy;
  • injuries;
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • entry of a foreign body;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • different forms of conjunctivitis.

Stages of caries spots

Dentists distinguish several stages of damage to one or more teeth by caries. Each stage is characterized by certain features, differences and symptoms.

Caries in the white spot stage

During the initial stage of caries, a person does not experience any discomfort and does not feel pain. The pathogenic process can be identified only by the white spots formed on the surface of the teeth. Although at first glance the tooth seems absolutely healthy, when stains appear in it, the process of destruction of structural tissues already occurs.

The spots that appear on the enamel in the initial stage have a whitish tint and are small in size, so upon visual inspection they are practically invisible. Only a professional specialist is able to identify the onset of pathogenic destruction of tooth enamel and promptly treat caries in the stain stage.

If you ignore treatment, then over time the light spot fades, tooth enamel loses its natural shine, becomes fragile and loose, and the carious process progresses more and more.

Important! If you identify the development of the initial form of caries, which manifests itself as microscopic specks, then you can avoid serious dental treatment. Therefore, every person should visit the dentist at least 2 times a year for a preventive examination of the oral cavity and, in particular, the condition of the teeth.

Black spot on teeth

If you ignore the appearance of white spots, then caries gradually passes into the next stage of a dark spot. This form is more serious and dangerous in comparison with the previous one.

Demineralized tissues grow very quickly, the white spots become darker and more visible. The white shade turns into brown or brown due to pathogenic bacteria entering the porous structure of the enamel.

Pathogenic microorganisms increasingly destroy the tooth surface and the disease moves into the next stage - superficial caries, the treatment of which is longer and more complex.

Wines and teeth

Young wines with a close harvest interval of 2016–2018 were taken for the study. All wines were varietal. Four are native to Europe and four are from South America. For the purity of the experiment, the teeth of one person were needed so that they did not have fillings and were not subject to bleaching. Such teeth were found, and their removed form was provided for research. After removal, they were stored in saline. Next, for the experiment, the teeth were sawed along the longitudinal axis and eight similar parts were obtained for eight wines. The teeth belonged to a 27-year-old patient and were free of caries.

Caries in the spot stage: diagnostic measures

The most reliable and effective diagnostic procedure for the initial form of caries is to check the integrity of tooth enamel using special organic dyes. Dentists use:

  • carmine;
  • tropeolin;
  • methylene red;
  • methylene blue.

The latter is more often used in dental practice. First, the specialist removes accumulated plaque from the tooth surface. Use cotton swabs to isolate the tooth from saliva and then apply the coloring solution. After a few minutes, the solution is thoroughly washed off and the condition of the enamel is analyzed. If it is stained, this indicates the presence of caries.

There are other ways to diagnose caries in the spot stage:

  • drying of enamel. The surface of the tooth is treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, then the enamel is thoroughly dried with a stream of warm air. After drying, areas with white spots will immediately become noticeable;
  • radiography. The area affected by caries appears as a small spot on an x-ray. The method is used mainly for contract caries;
  • examination with a stomatoscope. First, all accumulated plaque is removed from the surface of the teeth, then the dentition is illuminated with the device. Under ultraviolet radiation, it is not only easy to distinguish damaged tissue from healthy tissue, but it is also possible to determine the boundaries of pathology.

In order to treat caries in the spot stage, it is very important to undergo a timely diagnosis, accurately recognize the presence of pathology and exclude similar diseases that resemble caries.

For what reasons can a tooth root become inflamed?

Despite the availability of many effective methods of therapeutic treatment of inflammation under the tooth root, it is often necessary to resort to the use of surgical treatment methods. This is indicated in the following cases:

  • Root canal obstruction was detected
  • there is a pin or stump tab that cannot be removed without damaging the root
  • there are many cysts - perihilar or growing into the maxillary sinus
  • there is a perforation (perforation) of the wall of the tooth root or its cavity
  • The use of conservative methods of treating root inflammation does not help


Most often, periodontitis refers to inflammation in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root (apical, periapical periodontitis). The cause of tooth root inflammation is untimely treatment of caries and pulpitis. Another type of disease, marginal periodontitis, is classified as periodontology; in this case, the lesion spreads to the gums in the cervical part of the tooth.

Treatment methods for caries in the spot stage

Since the main cause of stains is demineralization of the enamel, treatment of caries at an early stage is carried out using a conservative method without the need to drill the tooth.

Professional treatment of initial caries

After diagnosing caries in the stain stage, it is very important to carry out adequate treatment and prevent complete tooth destruction. At an appointment with a specialist, treatment of caries in the spot stage can be carried out in different ways:

  • remineralization;
  • Borovsky-Leus method;
  • gel applications;
  • fluoridation.

The essence of the treatment is to saturate the damaged areas with calcium and fluoride using special professional preparations.

In general, the treatment process in the dentist’s office is carried out in the following order:

  • professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and stones;
  • washing and drying;
  • application of specialized preparations depending on the chosen method;
  • consultations on further dental care;
  • monitoring the further condition of the teeth;
  • preventive actions.

After treatment for “white caries,” you should contact your dentist no later than 2-3 months. The specialist will evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of the patient’s oral hygiene.

Treating white spots at home

Not only in the dental clinic is treatment of caries in the spot stage carried out; a course of therapy is also possible at home. Just first you need to consult a dentist and, if necessary, have your teeth professionally cleaned.

For home treatment you can use:

  • remineralizing gel, for example, ROCS Medical Mineral. The composition is enriched with magnesium, calcium and other microelements that penetrate tooth enamel, remove stains and restore its natural shine;
  • special toothpastes with a healing effect. ROCS Medical and Elmex cope well with such problems;
  • fluoride gel remineralizes white spots and prevents the destruction of the enamel coating of teeth.

Along with professional remedies at home, you can also use traditional medicine recipes:

  • Finely chop the pumpkin tail. Pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Rinse your mouth with the solution several times a day;
  • Chew a piece of dried calamus daily for 5-7 minutes. The number of days depends on the size of the spot.

Both in the case of medications and folk remedies, treatment of caries in the spot stage is aimed at enriching the enamel with useful elements and minerals.

Prevention of pain in the eyeball

Prevention of pain in the eyeball first of all requires timely treatment of the causes that caused such a syndrome .

In most cases, only one thing is possible: get examined by an ophthalmologist.

He will either prescribe an appropriate course of treatment or refer the patient to other specialized specialists to determine the causes of the pain.

If the pathology develops against the background of “dry eye” syndrome or pain occurs due to overwork, it is enough to adjust your sleep schedule, review your daily schedule and avoid working at the computer for too long .

If you need to constantly use contact lenses or glasses, from time to time it is necessary to give your eyes a break from optics and perform special ophthalmic exercises.

Remember! It is also recommended to instill special moisturizing drops according to the instructions for use or as needed.

If the tissues and blood vessels of the eyes are depleted, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes . It is very important to pay attention to the rules of personal hygiene and try not to rub your eyes with your hands on the street and in public places.

Preventive measures for “white caries”

The main component of dental health and preventing the development of caries is compliance with the rules of prevention: regular and proper oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth not only with a brush, but also after each meal you should use dental floss. After removing pieces of food with a thread, it is advisable to chew chewing gum for 5 minutes;

  • Maintain a nutritious diet and try to avoid frequent snacks between meals. A common cause of caries is frequent consumption of sweets, flour, candies, chips, fast foods, and carbonated drinks. For dental health, the diet should contain fish, vegetables, fruits, kefir, nuts, cottage cheese, milk and other products with a high content of fluorine, phosphorus and calcium;
  • periodically carry out professional teeth cleaning and treat the enamel with fluoride-containing preparations.

If you follow these basic rules, you can keep your teeth strong and healthy. But in order to avoid complications and prevent the pathology from becoming severe, you need to regularly visit the dentist and, if necessary, carry out proper and effective treatment of caries in the spot stage.


For dentists, tooth discoloration is one of the important problems that they solve with whitening, and this technology is constantly being improved. This problem has a name - discoloration. The term means a pathological change in color in the enamel area.

Discoloration can be of two types. The first is endogenous, that is, the color given to us by nature, the shade with which we were born and live. The second is exogenous, these are changes from external stimuli. Most often it is red wine, then, depending on the strength of its effect, tea, coffee, tobacco, some berries and fruits. Even sauces, such as soy and pomegranate. The reason is the pigments that these products contain. If giving up tobacco is difficult, but possible, then eliminating food and wine from your diet is impossible.

© Kelsey Chance/Unsplash

Possible reasons

Redness can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Diseases: periodontal disease, periodontitis or gingivitis.
  2. Mechanical damage, for example during eating.
  3. Due to a weak immune system, vitamin deficiency or hormonal imbalance.
  4. The gums around the tooth may become red due to improper oral care or after taking certain medications.
  5. Often the problem appears after dental intervention, for example, after prosthetics or teeth grinding. In essence, this is the same mechanical injury.
  6. Smoking. The mouth becomes dry and creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.
  7. Inflammation of the gums in adults can occur against the background of liver and gallbladder diseases or tuberculosis.
  8. A lack of vitamin C in the body can lead to scurvy, which causes redness and bleeding of the gums (this is quite rare these days).

The problem might look like this:

Here, caries also needs to be treated.

In young children, reddening of the gums may occur during teething or an unbalanced diet. In the case of children, you should consult a pediatrician. He will tell you how to solve problems and alleviate the baby’s condition.

It is worth noting that such problems with teeth and gums are often observed in women during pregnancy.

Red tooth, what is it?

Payment by credit cards and by bank transfer

The technique is outdated and harmful. Arsenic

- a strong poison that can lead to serious complications. Arsenic substitutes are slightly less dangerous, but also harmful. This technique is never used in modern clinics! This technique is often used in pediatric dentistry, which can sometimes lead to the death of the rudiments of permanent teeth. In the children's dental department of the Family Dental Clinic, this technique is never used!


used to kill the nerve in a tooth that hurts. The technique is used by doctors of the old formation. This method is used by specialists who do not know how or do not want to perform good anesthesia (“freezing”) or do not have the necessary medications for anesthesia. Also, the technique will be used under extreme time constraints. This often happens in public clinics, where reception is carried out according to the old principle: 12 coupons (i.e. patients) for 6 hours of work! And this is when the doctor is working without an assistant! With this approach, treatment is unnecessarily divided into many unnecessary visits. What can be done in one two-hour visit is done in several visits.

2. Dental treatment using the resorcinol-formalin method

Almost all of us have teeth that have discolored and become brownish-red or yellow-brown. Based on this characteristic color, it can be assumed that the tooth was treated with this particular method.

In the photo you can see above, you can see teeth treated with the resorcinol-formalin method. The left photo shows the teeth of a young woman. One can only guess about her psychological state when, several months after root canal treatment

in these teeth, the color of the teeth became like this!

In the right photo, the lateral upper tooth of a 30-year-old young man who had canals treated

in the tooth.
A year later, the tooth acquired a dark brown color in the neck area. The tooth was treated with the resorcinol-formalin method. The external natural appearance of the tooth is lost forever! The situation in such cases can only be corrected with a crown. An example of work when a similar problem was solved, with photographs. Read also: Teeth are cutting
The whitening method does not work on teeth treated with the resorcinol-formalin method.

The method is harmful. Carry a number of potential complications. It is not used in modern dental clinics. It is still widespread in state medical institutions. The method is fast and cheap. To carry out this method there is no need for a highly qualified doctor. The method is very effective in relieving pain. Because of these features, the method is very popular in inexpensive clinics and in public dental institutions. Complications of this method appear several years after application. The method is also widely used in pediatric dentistry. In the Family Dental Method, it is not used under any circumstances, neither in children nor in adults!

Remember, resorcinol and formalin are strong poisons! Observations have been reported in the medical community that resorcinol and formaldehyde are carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

3. Filling tooth canals with pastes and silver pins

In the photo below you can see how teeth change color if the canals in them are treated incorrectly. In both cases these are young people. On the right is a photo of a woman’s teeth, on the left is a man’s. These cases are similar in that the canal was treated in both cases on the right upper incisor. After root canal treatment

the teeth darkened and became noticeable compared to the rest. The attending doctors answered the patients’ questions: “Well, what did you want, your tooth is pulpless! He will never look like his own!”

Dear patients, please remember that if the canals in a tooth are treated correctly, the tooth will never change color.

These patients came to us at Dial-Dent, knowing that we use the highest quality and most modern techniques.

Our specialists solved these patients’ difficulties by using teeth whitening techniques. Before bleaching, the canals were completely re-treated

. If this is not done, the color may return again.

Before dental treatment

After treatment at the dentist

Dental root canal treatment methods

and filling canals with paste or silver pins lead to a high percentage of complications.
Any pastes dissolve in the canals, which leads to troubles after treatment. After filling with silver pins, the tooth darkens and loses its appearance. Silver pins have a number of other disadvantages. are not used
in Family Dentistry .
In the price lists of other dental clinics, there are often several items dedicated to dental canal filling. Judging by the price list, you can choose, for example, filling canals with paste or filling canals with thermophile. The patient, who does not understand anything about medicine, and, based on the cost, chooses the paste, since it is cheaper. Our the canal filling method
based on the patient’s situation, focusing on the highest quality treatment. Canals are not filled with pastes.

4. Surgical treatment of cysts and granulomas caused by poorly treated canals

It often happens that a dentist removes a nerve from a tooth. After a few months or years, a cyst is discovered on this tooth. was discovered on a tooth

It can happen either by accident or when pain appears in this tooth.
The dentist appoints the patient to a dental surgeon for surgical removal of the cyst. But the reason for the appearance of a cyst
is a poorly cleaned canal in which an infection remains.
Therefore, even if the surgeon removes the cyst, but the canal remains the same, the cyst will appear again. You cannot remove a cyst on a tooth
without first receiving high-quality
root canal treatment
. The most interesting thing is that after high-quality treatment of the canal in the tooth, surgery may not be necessary, since the infection in the tooth canal is destroyed, and the cause of the formation and growth of the cyst is eliminated. No surgery needed!

An example from the practice of the chief physician of the Family Dentistry Tsukor S.V.

Cyst on a tooth

Manifestations: periodically occurring “ pimple on the gum
”, from which pus is released. The X-ray image on the right shows a dark round formation, indicated by an arrow. This is a cyst in the tooth canal, which is sealed with a silver pin.

Read also: Water with salt for toothache

After root canal treatment, you can see that your gums are clean. There is no dark formation in the bone. The cyst went away completely without the use of surgical treatments. We also saved the patient’s tooth. Result 1 year after treatment.

In Russia there are no quality standards for the provision of dental care, including in the treatment of dental canals

Impossible to introduce standards. If they were introduced, then state medical institutions serving the poor under compulsory health insurance policies would have to close. This category of medical institutions use cheap and fast methods for treating dental canals.

. These methods do not meet modern requirements and have not been used for a long time in many countries of the world.

At the Family Dental Center, when choosing a treatment method, specialists proceed, first of all, from the benefits it brings to the patient. We predict the behavior of teeth and restorations several years in advance. Techniques that solve immediate problems but lead to problems in the future are not used at Dial-Dent.

When you smile... We are happy! Family dentistry on Paveletskaya “Dial-Dent”

Dental photos provided by the chief physician of the dental center, S.V. Tsukor. from personal archive.

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