Review of a series of popular toothpastes Forest Balsam: composition, properties, reviews

“Tooth gels are better than toothpastes”, “You need to brush your teeth five times a day”, “The more paste on your toothbrush, the better your teeth will be cleaned” - such statements that we come across on the Internet and hear from friends often confuse us. sense and force them to follow their lead.

When visiting the dentist, patients often ask questions about toothpaste and brushes. Which toothpaste is better? What brushes should you use? How often should you brush your teeth? It is not surprising, because brushing your teeth is one of the simplest and at the same time most effective ways to care for the oral cavity and prevent various diseases of the teeth and gums. Your dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth properly and which toothpaste to choose in each case. And also dispel common myths and stereotypes about the technique of brushing teeth, about the choice of toothpaste and brush.

What do patients ask most often? And what do dentists say? We present the 10 most popular questions during an appointment with a specialist.

Advantages of Kalina concern products

The most important advantage of Forest Balsam toothpastes is their acceptable quality and balanced composition at a minimal price. The brand was almost completely able to displace imported manufacturers in this price category from China, Turkey, India, and other countries from the domestic market.

Even many well-known manufacturers of expensive oral care products admit that products from Kalina meet European quality standards, but at the same time the price is much lower.

The second important advantage is the use of natural ingredients. In Russia there are quite a lot of good natural raw materials for the production of unique toothpastes - these are herbal extracts, pine needles, natural resin of coniferous species, which have long been used by local residents to maintain healthy teeth and gums. No chemically synthesized component can compare with them in terms of protection.

The use of natural ingredients results in a third important advantage – extremely low allergenicity. People with allergies may react painfully to fully synthetic toothpastes. At the same time, a reaction in the form of an allergy to Forest Balsam products is extremely rare.

The most modern technologies are used in production - vacuum extraction, extrusion, and a number of others. The equipment involved in the production process is imported. This is partly facilitated by the fact that the actual owner of Kalina is the international corporation Unilevel, the same company provides the plant with the most advanced equipment.

The degree of protection against caries is an important indicator. According to dentists, domestic toothpaste is a high-quality preventative against caries. This indicator is no worse than that of foreign analogues.

Gum protection is something that was initially the company’s strong point when launching products into series. Here we can talk not only about a preventive, but also about a therapeutic effect. The series for sensitive teeth and gums allows you to carefully care for the oral cavity for those for whom the use of other products from the Kalina range, or products from other companies, causes problems.

The best types of balms that help strengthen gums

The most effective means of strengthening the gums, as well as preventing a significant number of various types of complex diseases, are balms. To obtain the greatest effect, you should use liquid in the irrigator; this will increase productivity along with regular rinsing.


Fans of products with natural herbal composition will like Weleda balm from German developers. The pleasant texture of the drug perfectly copes with swelling, inflammatory processes, reduces bleeding and susceptibility. The special composition normalizes and helps maintain the natural balance of microflora. Extracts of natural herbs (chamomile, sage, ratania) have a gentle restorative and antibacterial effect.

The product is distinguished by its naturalness. The absence of SLS and ALS, the presence of carcinogens, harmful toxins and fragrances is not observed. Thanks to genuine concentrated extracts from beneficial plants, a pleasant herbal aftertaste remains in the mouth. To improve the active ingredients and achieve the intended goal, you need to use the balm 15 minutes before meals. The product will please customers with an affordable price. Good reviews speak of it as the best product with a natural composition that copes well with bleeding gums.

Average cost: 360 rub.

Weleda gum balm


  • does not contain carcinogens, harmful toxins or flavorings;
  • After use, a pleasant herbal aftertaste remains in the mouth.


  • not detected.

Curaprox PerioPlus Focus

The high cost of the balm indicates the good effectiveness of the product presented. Manufacturers from Switzerland are scrupulous about the composition, so it does not contain SLS, which neutralizes chlorhexidine, which reduces the medicinal benefits. The result is the antiseptic’s fight against the development of infections, eliminating bleeding with additional protection of teeth from caries. It freshens breath thanks to its minty flavor, is not disgusting and is well tolerated.

After several courses, the maximum effect of use is quite noticeable. A small drawback is that it is not always available for sale. It is not widespread enough; users more often purchase it in online stores when placing an order. Recommendations for purchasing this drug, especially for those who suffer from problems with sensitivity of teeth and gums. It is considered one of the best, helping to get rid of the problem instantly and with great efficiency.

Average cost 680 rub.

Curaprox PerioPlus Focus


  • the maximum effect of application is noticeable;
  • for sensitive teeth.


  • not widespread enough.

Asepta adhesive balm

The solution is recognized as one of the ideal compositions for use in the recovery process after surgery. This depends not only on the excellent healing and regenerating properties of the drug. It also has a special texture, different from various water-based gel forms, and tends to stay on the affected areas without spreading. A thick and dense mass with a yellow tint will reliably protect and hide the most sensitive area, protecting it from mechanical stress.

The benefits include killing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and stopping bleeding. Users have noted the pleasant menthol taste of the ointment, which does not cause any unpleasant sensations after application. The downside will be the need to withstand the composition for a long period. After lubrication, you should refrain from food and water. Undoubtedly, the best and most effective product, which takes its rightful place among the compared solutions.

Average cost: 270 rub.

Asepta adhesive balm


  • destruction of bacteria;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • stopping bleeding.


  • the need to withstand the composition for a long period.


A unique product of domestic production. It differs from many others in its effective healing and preventive properties. Instantly relieves pain, effectively removes swelling in inflamed areas, preventing bleeding. Professionals recommend regular use of the drug to achieve maximum effect. Customer reviews note a quick effect in a very short time, along with rapid pain relief.

Professional developers invent innovations that represent the presence of a unique composition. The constituent parts are called special molecules (peptides) that enhance the regeneration process, soothe irritation, reducing tooth sensitivity. Has proven himself positively in caring for prosthetic devices. Use it 10-15 minutes before eating, rub it in with your finger or a softened toothbrush. Absolutely safe if ingested.

Average price: 405 rub.

Revidont balm


  • suitable for the use of prostheses;
  • soothe irritation;
  • reduce tooth sensitivity;
  • safe when ingested.


  • not detected.

Donfeel balm

The product is in great demand among buyers. In the Yandex search engine, people search for this drug most often (according to statistics). Various reasons contribute to this. The first of them is that the product is produced in relatively large containers. Despite the high price, many people buy it because it is very convenient. Secondly, this medicine has proven its effectiveness. It successfully neutralizes various oral infections.

Donfeel has a balanced composition and a pleasant (specific) herbal taste. It contains extracts of the following herbs: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano. These medicinal plants give the drug additional positive qualities. Using the balm in combination with an irrigator increases the effect, but this procedure is not mandatory. The drug has a balanced price with good quality. Therefore, it ranks high in the ranking of the best balms.

Average price: 400 rub.

Donfeel balm


  • neutralizes various oral infections;
  • balanced price with good quality;
  • balanced composition.


  • not detected.

Colgate Plex

This drug is a balm-rinse. It has an antibacterial function due to the presence of chlorine-containing substances in its composition, suppresses and then eliminates all types of viruses and bacteria. Sodium fluoride, which is also part of the drug, reduces bleeding gums and strengthens the enamel on the teeth. The substance has a menthol taste and smell. There is no need to dilute it with water. The drug is produced in containers of 250 and 500 ml.

The average price is about 250 rubles.

Colgate Plex


  • antibacterial effect;
  • reduces bleeding gums;
  • strengthens the enamel.


  • not detected.

Forest balm-rinse

This medicine is produced in Russia. It is very popular among people because it is reasonably priced and highly effective during use. With constant use of Forest Balm, gums become stronger and tooth enamel becomes stronger. The manufactured product has a variety of tastes, each of which has its own characteristics. Reviews say that the mouthwash has a natural herbal flavor and the product has no chemical odor.

The product has an antibacterial effect and freshens breath. It is prescribed if patients are prone to frequent stomatitis, as well as if a person has removable dentures. The drug contains anti-inflammatory alcohol-containing substances. They have a positive effect on the oral cavity (antioxidant effect).

“Forest balm” is the most common oral care product. You can purchase it in pharmacies and hardware stores at an affordable price. Buyers really like the special dispenser on the top of the bottle. A small family can use one bottle for a whole month. The substance is considered safe if it enters the stomach. The mouthwash has a strong taste, so it may not be suitable for use by small children. The balm has no other disadvantages. He occupies a leading position in the ratings.

Price 140 rubles per 250 ml container.

Forest balm-rinse


  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • special dispenser on the top of the bottle.


  • Because of its specific taste, children do not like it.

Balm Karavaev

This drug is used in the treatment and prevention of oral diseases. The liquid is intended to eliminate dental diseases and hygiene.

The composition includes natural natural substances. They stand out from a group of plants, including rose hips, calendula, thyme, chamomile, yarrow, pine buds, mint, caraway, celandine, wormwood, and dill. Camphor in combination with mint and dill gives the product a pleasant aroma and taste. The consistency of the drug is an oily, thick liquid.

Before using the medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use. The drug is applied to the surface of the gums twice a day. You need to pour half a teaspoon of the substance. Then, using a clean finger or swab, apply the drug to the gums on both sides. Then the substance is rubbed in. You can use a toothbrush to apply the product. Additional massage will have a positive effect.

The product is not harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers. After all, it contains exclusively natural ingredients that enter the bloodstream in minimal portions. Therefore, the substance is considered safe.

It is considered an exceptional remedy for pregnant women. Indeed, during this period, women should not use antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, as they can have a negative effect on the fetus. And Karavaev’s development can be taken without worrying about side effects. The drug actively suppresses the growth of bacteria, prevents bleeding, and cleanses the oral cavity of microbes.

The average price is about 180 rubles.

Balm Karavaev


  • does not harm pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • suppresses the growth of bacteria;
  • prevents bleeding;
  • cleanses the oral cavity from microbes.
  • natural composition.


  • not detected

Toothpaste ROCS “Balm for gums”

ROCS “Gum Balm” toothpaste perfectly protects against inflammation and bleeding, prevents bacteria from spreading and saturates tooth enamel with nutrients. The natural xylitol contained in the paste provides protection against caries, prevents the appearance of plaque, and normalizes the bacterial balance of the oral cavity.

The paste contains double extract of aspen bark, which acts as an antioxidant and also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Sodium bicarbonate in the paste reduces swelling and inflammation, and helps reduce acidity.

Due to the fact that the paste has low abrasiveness, it can be used for enamel defects and high tooth sensitivity.

ROCS “Gum Balm” provides fresh breath and effective cleaning of teeth for a long time, leaving them clean and smooth.

Toothpaste ROCS “Balm for gums”


  • low abrasiveness;
  • provides protection against caries;
  • acts as an antioxidant.


  • not detected.

List of produced toothpastes

As already mentioned, there are twelve groups under which all the brand’s products are produced. Toothpaste is not available only for the Mint Freshness group.

The following types of toothpastes from the Forest Balm series are available for sale:

  • natural whitening;
  • Forte;
  • with bleeding gums;
  • with inflammation of the gums;
  • natural freshness;
  • intensive gum protection at age 50;
  • for sensitive teeth and gums;
  • basic care of teeth and gums;
  • 2 in 1;
  • comprehensive protection 10 in 1.

The names are accurate and correspond to those on the product packaging. Forest Balm paste is also available, but since the name on the packaging does not contain the brand name, it is not on the list.

We offer a detailed review of the entire line of Forest Balm toothpastes with a description of the effects, composition features and reviews below.

How to strengthen teeth and gums with folk remedies

Due to inflammation, gum disease and other problems in the oral cavity, the connection between the teeth and the periodontium can be disrupted, as a result of which the teeth begin to become loose and their roots are exposed. To prevent them from becoming exposed, loosening or falling out, weakened gums need to be strengthened. Traditional recipes can help with this.

There are many popular recipes for improving the condition of teeth and gums, but choosing the most suitable treatment options is necessary only after visiting a dentist and making an accurate diagnosis. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Rinse with saline solution. You need to dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth for several minutes. A solution of sea salt perfectly cleans teeth from plaque and has an antiseptic effect.
  2. Applying grated potatoes or a piece of fresh aloe to problem areas of the gums effectively relieves inflammation.
  3. Rinse with pharmaceutical preparations. Rinsing with alcohol tincture of propolis diluted with water is very useful. Propolis is considered healing, as it contains a whole complex of useful substances and has a general strengthening effect.
  4. A paste made from a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salt and lemon juice when applied to the gums reduces inflammation.
  5. If there is no bleeding in the mouth and severe inflammation, you can massage the gums using clean fingertips. This strengthens and improves blood supply to the gums.
  6. Gargling with herbal decoctions is a very effective way to strengthen teeth and gums. Decoctions of sage, oak bark, and chamomile have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse and provide the oral cavity with essential microelements. Essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, and mint work in the same way. The required number of drops must be dissolved in boiled water and used as herbal decoctions.

It must be remembered that to achieve a noticeable effect you need to be patient. Any of the remedies should be used regularly and for a sufficiently long time. Single procedures do not bring the expected results.

Natural whitening

Designed for gentle teeth whitening at home, removing plaque on teeth. Release form: 75 ml tube, can be placed on a cork.

The peculiarity of this product is gentle teeth whitening when used systematically. An additional effect is strengthening the blood vessels of the gums. Price – 120-150 rubles.

I bought this toothpaste because my husband smoked and his teeth had an unpleasant color. After a month of use, I compared the photos - the effect was noticeable. I will continue to buy this paste - it is inexpensive and effective.


Forte series

Designed to combat bacteria that cause gum disease and improve tissue regeneration. Release form: 75 ml tube, placed on the lid. The peculiarity of Forest Balsam Forte paste is that it can strengthen weakened gums after 7 days of use, which has been proven by clinical trials. An additional effect is care for tooth enamel. Price – 120-150 rubles.

My child had problems with his gums. Baby teeth were replaced with permanent teeth, and there was a risk of stomatitis. On the advice of the dentist, I started using LB Forte. After another examination, the doctor noted that there was a positive effect.


How to recognize gum disease

The difficulty is that diseases of the gums and oral cavity progress slowly, and it is not always possible to detect the onset of the disease. Often people turn to a doctor after the onset of the disease, when the destructive processes are in full swing and cannot be stopped with preventive measures. It is important to visit a doctor as soon as inflammation becomes noticeable.

You should immediately consult a dentist if the following symptoms are present:

  1. The color of the gums has changed from pink to bluish, or pale with uneven coloring or spots. In cases of severe inflammation, it may become dark red.
  2. Gums bleed when brushing teeth or eating. Chewing gum became painful.
  3. Swollen gums indicate that local blood circulation has been disrupted.
  4. Sometimes there may be a strong, putrid odor from the mouth.
  5. In extreme cases, atrophic processes occur.

Often, all inflammations in the oral cavity are provoked by the proliferation of dangerous pathogenic bacteria. The reason lies in irregular or improper dental care.

At risk for dental diseases are people suffering from:

  • untreated dental caries;
  • various malocclusions (improper placement of teeth);
  • diseases of the endocrine system and diabetes of all types;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • deficiencies in salivation due to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands or when taking certain medications;
  • lack of important vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • with genetic predisposition.

Inflammation can also be triggered by injuries to the facial bones and jaws. A person should understand that it is best to consult a dentist in the earliest stages of inflammation to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Special oral hygiene products, such as rinses with medicinal herbs, toothpastes and gels, relieve acute inflammation, but do not always eliminate the cause of the disease.

The most common gum diseases are:

  1. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums with swelling and bleeding, mostly close to the surface. A putrid odor may be present.
  2. Periodontitis affects inflammation not only of the gums surrounding the tooth, but also of the bone tissue. It often occurs with the release of pus and pain.
  3. Periodontal disease usually affects older people; these are minor disturbances in the blood supply to the gums, mainly with the absence of microbial inflammation.
  4. Periodontitis can be caused by an insufficiently thorough procedure for sanitation of the tooth canal and infection due to poor quality dental care. It can also be a consequence of chronic dental diseases such as pulpitis.

As soon as inflammation becomes noticeable, you need to consult a doctor for treatment. The dentist will conduct an examination, professional hygienic cleaning of the entire oral cavity, and will also remove tartar and plaque, which are an excellent habitat for pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation.

For bleeding gums

Designed to eliminate bleeding and sore gums. Release form: 75 ml tube, placed on the lid. The peculiarity of this paste is that it eliminates gum pain when brushing teeth for everyone who uses it. Effectively cleans teeth and strengthens oral tissues with oak, fir bark extract and five medicinal herbs. The cost is within 70-100 rubles.

Previously, when brushing my teeth, I had an unpleasant sensation - my gums were constantly bleeding. I was guilty of using my toothbrush, but replacing it with a softer one had no effect. Finally, after I bought Forest Balm for bleeding gums, I was able to get rid of the problem, and now I brush my teeth calmly.


Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa

To protect yourself from the occurrence of inflammatory gum diseases, first of all you need to pay due attention to hygiene procedures. Brush your teeth regularly, using the right toothbrush, and remove food residues with toothpicks and dental floss after each snack.

In addition, you need to pay special attention to the foods you eat. So, the following are good for gums:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • foods high in vitamin C;
  • dairy products and greens, which contain vitamin K, which helps increase the tone of the vascular wall in the gums and reduce their bleeding;
  • hard cheeses: due to the calcium content, regular consumption of cheeses strengthens gums and teeth;
  • red wine: tannins and antioxidants present in it have a healing effect;
  • fish and various seafood: the phosphorus contained in them perfectly strengthens the gums;
  • garlic and onions: zinc, which is present in them in large quantities, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the gums.

Do not forget that prevention of diseases will prevent their occurrence.

Natural freshness

Effectively fights bad breath. In most cases, the cause lies in stomach diseases, but if your gums hurt, use natural freshness and your breath will be clean.

Prepared with a decoction of herbs, it contains white tea extract and aloe vera. The release form is the same as other products from the manufacturer. Price – 60-90 rubles.

I smoke, because of this I often have bad breath in the morning. Fortunately, my paste helps me get rid of this. I brush my teeth three times a day and recommend it to everyone.


Intensive gum protection at age 50

Designed for older people. Contains propolis and St. John's wort extract. Thanks to their action, your gums will become stronger, and you will not experience problems with bridges and removable dentures. The release form is usual, like other pastes. Cost 70-90 rubles.

I have removable dentures on my upper jaw. I had difficulties with other pastes - my gums often hurt, began to bleed and become inflamed. After I started using Intensive Protection, the problems stopped.


For sensitive teeth and gums

Sensitive teeth are a problem for many people. Some are forced to give up sweets, sour apples, and some other foods that cause irritation. Others cannot eat ice cream because of this.

Calendula and aloe extract have a blocking effect on nerve endings that have made their way through the thickness of the enamel to the surface, and relieve pain for up to 12 hours. The release form is the same as that of other products. Price – 150-200 rubles.

My child could not eat sour apples because his front tooth began to hurt. I bought LB toothpaste for sensitive teeth. After that, he began to brush his teeth three times a day, and now he can eat any vegetables and fruits. I also enjoy brushing my teeth with this paste.


For gum inflammation

Relieves inflammation, itching, burning. Release form: 75 ml tube, placed on the lid. Feature – eliminates itching and burning of gums. It also effectively takes care of teeth by eliminating plaque. Contains sage extract and aloe vera, which have an antibacterial effect. Price – 70-100 rubles.

For several years now, our entire family has been using Forest Balm toothpaste for gum inflammation. Over the years, my husband put in only two fillings, and our daughter didn’t have a single one. I have one filling. The paste perfectly protects against caries and also prevents its spread. No one has problems with gums.


Clinical researches

Repeated clinical studies have proven that the use of ASEPTA adhesive gum balm for a week can reduce gum bleeding by 51% and reduce inflammation by 50%.


  1. The use of adhesive balm "Asepta®" in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases L.Yu. OREKHOVA*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department V.V. CHPP**, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department S.B. ULITOVSKY*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor A.A. LEONTIEV*, dentist A.A. DOMORAD**, O.M. YAKOVLEV** SPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg - *Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, **Department of Microbiology
  2. The effectiveness of the use of Asept “adhesive balm” and Asept “gel with propolis” in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis and gingivitis in the acute stage (Municipal Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk, Kaminskaya T. M. Head of the therapeutic department Kaminskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna MUZ City Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk
  3. Report on clinical trials of anti-inflammatory balm for gums "Asepta" adhesive, St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2007
  4. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: Asepta toothpaste used in combination with Asepta mouthwash and Asepta gum balm Head. Department of PFS Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor S.B. Ulitovsky St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Preventive Dentistry.

Basic care for teeth and gums

This paste is recommended for people suffering from tartar deposits. It is not always possible to remove them in a timely manner. Tartar-affected areas harbor bacteria and injure the teeth and gums. The active ingredients are chamomile and sea buckthorn oil.

They help reduce inflammation and speed recovery. Release form: 75 ml tube, placed on the lid. The cost is around 60-90 rubles.

I love this paste because it not only takes care of my teeth and gums, but also relieves inflammation. Previously, after eating, I felt irritation in the gum area, near the necks of the teeth. Now I brush my teeth after eating with this toothpaste and I have no problems!


Causes of oral diseases

Diseases of the oral mucosa can be caused by:

  • improper oral care: over time, plaque appears on the teeth, due to which bacteria begin to multiply on them, which ultimately leads to the formation of tartar and, as a result, inflammatory gum diseases;
  • weak immunity: a weakened immune system is unable to prevent the proliferation of bacteria;
  • viruses: an organism weakened by infection is more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic bacteria;
  • decreased salivation: people who do not produce enough saliva are more susceptible to gum disease, since it is saliva that effectively cleans teeth of bacterial plaque;
  • Vitamin deficiency: If a person does not take enough vitamins from food, this can ultimately lead to the development of certain oral diseases;
  • smoking: people who smoke cigarettes develop inflammatory gum diseases more often than those who do not have this bad habit;
  • hormonal changes: gum disease is quite often diagnosed in pregnant women and in those who take hormonal medications for any reason;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • crowns and fillings that are placed incorrectly and injure the gums;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

Forest balm “2 in 1”

A unique gel toothpaste that combines the properties of a rinse and toothpaste. You can brush your teeth and then rinse your mouth after brushing.

The action is the same as if you additionally rinsed your mouth with balm. The paste contains fir extract, which cares for teeth and prevents the development of caries. However, this does not exempt you from visiting the dentist. Price – 150-180 rubles.

I've been using this product for a year now. During this time I visited the dentist twice, and he said that I did not need any treatment. Before that, I used another product, and in a year I had to treat caries twice.


Comprehensive protection 10 in 1

Made using natural mineral components. The composition includes hydroxyapatite, which affects the structure of the enamel, fills and restores its microdefects and makes the surface layer denser.

Release form: 75 ml tube, can be placed on a cork. Contains ginseng extract, helps prevent the formation of carious cavities. Price – 140-190 rubles.

I have very good teeth, and I am very afraid that I will have to treat them. I have been using the “Comprehensive Protection” paste for a year now. My dentist says I have good taste. I hope to continue to keep my teeth in perfect condition.


( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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