Hard lump on the gum - what to do?
Quite often, parents may notice that their child’s gums appear soft when pressed.
Caries under the gum
What to do if your gums turn blue after tooth extraction?
Caries under the gum, if not treated promptly, can lead to severe tooth decay.
Dentist can help detect osteoporosis
Periarticular osteoporosis is a fairly “popular” pathology of the human skeleton. This disease is caused by degenerative processes
Gum injury Chelyabinsk
A scratch on the gum - how to treat it at home
Like any part of our body, our gums can also become injured. On the volume and nature of the received
To the very tonsils. Strange organs of the human body and why they are needed
Why does a man need nipples and an Adam's apple, and why are tonsils not cut out in childhood doomed to
Intimate piercing for men: History, Types, Contraindications, Complications, Care
Genital piercing of the penis is the piercing of soft tissues in different parts of the intimate area
Osteomyelitis of the jaw - symptoms and treatment
What is it and how to treat it? Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow with a tendency to
What to do if a brace has been swallowed
Accidentally swallowed a brace? How dangerous is this and what to do?
Home » Braces systems » What to do if you accidentally swallowed a brace? Many years of experience using braces
Bone grafting: bone tissue augmentation during implantation
From this article you will learn: how bone grafting is performed in dentistry, methods of bone grafting
facial changes due to bone atrophy
Bone grafting: methods and possible alternatives
The roots of our teeth are located in the bone tissue of the jaw. Due to the fact that during chewing
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