Indications for clasp prosthesis, as well as design and materials
Clasp prosthetics today can be called a popular service in a dental clinic. It is used in orthopedics
Formation of an oroantral anastomosis as a result of unsuccessful implant treatment
Causes There are various reasons for the formation of a through communication between the oral cavity and the nasopharynx. This
crooked smile
Crooked smile: reasons. Inflammation of the facial nerve: symptoms and treatment
A patient with facial nerve neuritis can be recognized immediately: squinted eyes, mouth, crooked smile, change
Review of products for lightening and whitening teeth at home
Composition of whitening gels Teeth whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which reacts chemically
Which teeth can be crowned and which cannot?
I recommend placing a crown on a living tooth if: Destruction of the crown part of the tooth is more than 55% (trauma,
Zirconium dioxide inlay
Zirconium dioxide core inlay: features and benefits
Indications for the use of a stump inlay made of zirconium dioxide Contraindications Materials for the manufacture of stump inlays
Do-it-yourself dentures at home - how to make them, all stages of work on casting the structure
There are the following types of dentures: removable structures with fixation; clasp; partial or temporary; flexible;
enamel etching
Adhesive systems: what does a practicing dentist need to know? Stabilization of the hybrid layer
Dmitry Gudilin Composition and main types of adhesives Adhesive properties of adhesives Influence of features on adhesion
Why do you need a special toothpaste for smokers? Review of TOP 5 products
December 18, 2017 Most people who smoke cannot boast of either a fresh complexion or
Use of facebow and articulator - for precise bite
Clasp removable dentures for uniform load on the jaw
Caring for dentures Types of structures Plastic dentures How to care for them at home
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