Natural painkillers: TOP 7 herbal analgesics

Natural Pain Relievers: Benefits

When pain occurs, the first thing that comes to mind for most of us is the desire to take a painkiller. In itself, such a decision is quite logical and natural, but not all people think about the consequences of an uncontrolled addiction to chemical analgesics.

Expert opinion

The main means for relieving pain in modern medicine are SPVP (steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They are highly effective, but can provoke the development of a number of side effects, including such dangerous conditions as increased blood sugar levels, increased blood pressure, the development of cardiovascular pathologies, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they should be prescribed exclusively after assessing the patient’s general condition and taken strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

  • Unlike SPVPs and NSAIDs, natural painkillers are characterized by a milder and more delicate effect. In addition, they have other advantages:
  • Such drugs can be used for a long period, while synthetic analgesics have a strictly regulated period of administration, which is not recommended to be exceeded.
  • Herbal analgesics are characterized by a safe and natural composition. Of course, only if the raw materials for natural painkillers were collected in an environmentally friendly area, far from areas of radiological activity, highways and factories.
  • Natural analgesics are much less likely to cause side effects, are not addictive and do not lead to withdrawal symptoms.
  • They are usually easily accessible and have a low price, unlike many synthetic medications.

Disadvantages of natural pain relievers

When can you try to do without analgesics?

If the pain is mild or moderate, if you have already experienced it, it is not accompanied by other symptoms, it is not at all necessary to immediately take painkillers. Most often, tension headaches and low back pain are relieved without pills. It is enough to simply eliminate the factors that provoke it: relax, distract yourself from negative thoughts, take a comfortable position, etc. For pain in the lower back, it is quite possible to make a corset at home from a sheet (diaper) and folded newspaper for temporary fixation of the lumbar region . In cases where sudden pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness or weakness in the limbs, speech impairment, facial asymmetry, you should urgently call an ambulance. Acute, unremitting pain in the abdominal area is also a reason to urgently see a doctor.

Natural pain relievers: disadvantages

Despite the impressive list of advantages, herbal analgesics also have disadvantages that need to be remembered before starting treatment:

  • Natural pain relievers are not a panacea. Neglecting to visit a doctor and treat with more effective and fast-acting medications can, in some cases, lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. This primarily applies to heart attack and stroke, injuries, appendicitis, pneumonia and other serious conditions.

Expert opinion

When it comes to pain caused by serious acute and chronic diseases, taking herbal pain relievers alone may not be enough. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess your condition, if necessary, take something more effective than chamomile decoction, and seek medical help in time.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

  • When using natural analgesics, there is always a risk of incorrect dosage selection.
  • It would be a mistake to assume that herbal remedies are completely safe and never cause side effects. In fact, they also have contraindications that need to be taken into account before taking them.
  • Some medicinal herbs can enhance or, conversely, reduce the effect of medications.

The most effective natural pain relievers

What home remedies can help with pain?

Meditation, auto-training . When a person, by force of will and self-hypnosis, knows how to tune in to the positive, this helps to cope with pain. This is a kind of independent psychotherapy, when a person aims himself at a positive result: “The pain will pass, it will soon recede, everything will be fine, everything will return to normal...”, etc. In mild cases, this works.

Question answer

Why is the pain worse at night?
Massage and self-massage .
It helps quite effectively with muscle pain. By massaging, for example, the muscles of the neck below the back of the head, you can reduce tension headaches. Massaging your legs or feet will relieve nagging pain in your limbs. Water treatments . This is one of the most effective non-drug methods of pain relief. But there are individual features of their use. For example, with a common tension headache, a warm shower will help one person, and a cool and invigorating shower will help someone else, on the contrary.

Aromatherapy . If you like a particular scent, inhaling it can give you positive emotions and relieve pain. But there are no 100% proven ways to get rid of pain using smell, especially since everyone has different preferences. On the contrary, a headache can be triggered by some kind of smell, which is often the case in migraine patients.

Sex . Quite a powerful emotional, hormonal and physical stress and often works as a pain reliever. The release of endorphins and positive emotions during intimacy effectively relieve pain. However, the classification of diseases also includes coital headaches, which occur before, during or after orgasm. Such headaches require immediate consultation with a doctor because they may be associated with serious problems.

Year after year. How to deal with chronic pain? More details

Emotional support, sympathy . In addition to the fact that pain is a response to some kind of damage to the body, it is also a person’s emotional assessment of the extent of this damage. A striking example: when a small child fell and cried, his mother runs up to him, begins to stroke and hug him, and the baby calms down. Attention, compassion, hugs from a loved one calm and reduce pain.

Correct daily routine and nutrition . If a person adheres to regularity in eating, observes a sleep-wake schedule, then the intensity of pain and the amount of medications taken in the vast majority of cases decreases both for headaches and back pain. It is no coincidence that one of the main points of doctor’s prescriptions in any patient’s medical record is the regimen and diet.

Natural Pain Relievers: 6 Alternatives to Ibuprofen

Taking medications such as ibuprofen for headaches or joint pain is a knee-jerk reaction for many people. But health experts say long-term use of ibuprofen increases the risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. In high doses, it can also put a person at greater risk of heart disease and its complications.

Due to the disconcerting side effects and health risks associated with ibuprofen use, more and more people are turning to natural pain relievers, including medicinal spices and herbal remedies. Natural health practitioners may recommend using different substances for different conditions depending on the nature and severity of the pain.

But in general, there are few proven natural medications that are as effective against painful chronic conditions as ibuprofen. Here are six of them:


Jessica Cording, a registered dietitian and certified health coach, says turmeric is associated with a number of health benefits, including pain relief and disease-fighting abilities. Much of these benefits can be attributed to curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric.

In addition to being a powerful pain reliever, curcumin also suppresses inflammation. For this reason, natural health experts often recommend curcumin capsules or supplements to patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis who suffer from painful and inflamed joints.

For quick pain relief, drink turmeric tea made from freshly ground turmeric. Some people also like to make golden turmeric milk using ground turmeric and a plant-based milk replacer such as almond or coconut milk.


Ginger, a root related to turmeric, has also been used to treat painful ailments in China and India for thousands of years. Ginger contains more than 100 organic compounds, but the most effective for pain relief are gingerols.

Specifically, gingerols suppress inflammation and block molecules that signal pain to the brain. For pain relief, some people find that eating fresh ginger slices provides the fastest relief. Others like to create a tea with turmeric and ginger for a stronger pain reliever.


In 2022, researchers found that consuming cinnamon may help reduce inflammation and joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. Their results, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, showed that the pain-relieving properties of cinnamon can be attributed to cinnamic acid.

Fish fat

Omega-3s in fish oil may suppress the production of molecules associated with inflammation. Fish such as salmon and tuna are rich in these nutrients, so people prone to painful flare-ups due to chronic conditions such as colitis or arthritis may be better off in the long term by consuming these foods as part of a balanced diet.


Thyme's powerful phenolic compounds, such as thymol, tannins, and saponins, can provide rapid pain relief. The herb can be consumed fresh to treat sore throat, stomach pain, arthritis and bronchitis.

Recent research also confirms that the herb's essential oil is effective against pain and inflammation. In particular, the oil is often used to treat menstrual cramps and relieve painful periods.


This perennial plant is endemic to the mountains of Europe and Siberia. It is a medicinal plant used in homeopathic medicine to treat general bruising and joint pain due to osteoarthritis. Please note that arnica is not intended for ingestion as it is toxic. Instead, natural health practitioners use arnica as a topical remedy.

People prone to chronic inflammation or painful flare-ups due to pre-existing conditions should consider these foods as part of a balanced diet for better long-term pain relief.

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