Tooth structure: histological composition, features of structure, shape, innervation, blood supply and relationship of dentition
The current state of affairs and the rapid development of dentistry and plastic maxillofacial surgery require detailed knowledge of the blood supply.
Swelling of the cheeks: causes of inflammation on the inside
Causes of swelling on the cheek Many people believe that only teeth can provoke swelling of the cheek.
Common factors for the development of gingivitis
Catarrhal and hypertrophic gingivitis symptoms and treatment in adults
The most common form of gingivitis is catarrhal gingivitis, which affects the gums, causing superficial inflammation.
Photo of a crack in the root of a tooth
Crack in the root of a tooth: symptoms, causes and what to do?
Causes of a crack in the root of a tooth Not all patients understand why a crack in the root occurs
How many teeth does a large shark have: diagram of the jaw, gill arches, number of teeth and rows of shark teeth 
Now on the Internet you can find any information, video in a minute, but before everything was interesting
Self-ligating or ligature braces: differences, advantages and disadvantages
Self-ligating braces are one of the modern types of dental correction. They have some advantages in
wisdom tooth hurts
Wisdom tooth hurts: why does it happen and what to do
Symptoms Causes Indications for removal When the tooth is saved When to consult a doctor Possible complications
Sterilization of instruments and sterility in dentistry
Sterilization is the process of complete disinfection of instruments, during which all microorganisms die, and
Education in the area of ​​the external genitalia. Types, characteristics and treatment
Author of the article, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev Make an appointment with a gynecologist The wind is running crazy
You will have to give up carbonated drinks
A child has a fistula on his gum. What should parents do?
If you notice an abscess or lump on your child’s gum, this is a reason to go to
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