Names for dental offices. How to name

Dentistry is one of the most successful areas of the medical business. The competition in this market segment is great, as are the opportunities. Therefore, despite the competition, specialists are trying to open their own restoration, cosmetic or medical business in the field of creating a Hollywood smile. The question of what to call your own dentistry, if not the most important, is one of the most pressing and complex. Naming is an expensive business, and not everyone at the stage of organizing a business can afford professional advice. What to do? Take advantage of the experience of predecessors.


  1. Introduction
  2. What to name a medical clinic
  3. Names of existing clinics and basic naming principles
  4. What to call dentistry
  5. Lifehacks for creating an original name for a medical center, online name generators
  6. How to check a name for uniqueness
  7. Conclusion

#1. Introduction

Are you going to open your own medical center, dental clinic or gynecology? Once the concept, type of service and target audience are clear, it’s time to choose a unique and original name.

Patients view medical institutions as places of strength and security. When opening a clinic, it is important to choose a memorable name. The success of brand promotion online and offline depends on how sonorous and laconic the name of your medical center is.

Often, hospitals and clinics take an individualized approach to treating patients, which is designed to meet, among other things, the emotional needs of clients. If the name can reflect this, the clinic becomes more attractive to patients.

The name of a business is its soul

. It should not be a trivial, catchy name that is associated with best practice.

We have prepared several naming options to inspire the creation of an original name for the new clinic.

We have prepared a whole article on this topic. We wish you pleasant reading!

However, we would like to note that it is not only the name of the clinic that helps attract clients, but also:

  • Services your center provides
  • Convenience of making an appointment
  • Professionalism of doctors
  • Promotion strategy

The principle of choosing a name for dentistry is the same as for a clinic of any other profile.

The title should:

  • Remember
  • Be clear visually and in pronunciation
  • Convey meaning and reflect the profile of the medical center

Why is it important to think carefully about your choice?

Many people believe that opening their own company involves a lot of difficulties. Among which the name should not be listed. What could be simpler than this? If a company produces candies, it can be called “Toffee”, “Truffle” or quite banally “Chocolate Factory”. However, competitors may also have a similar line of thinking. In addition, buyers and clients remember boring names much worse or ignore them altogether. After all, the name of a company is its face, part of its image and, in most cases, a guarantee of success. And if the founder is careless, indifferent, indifferent to his choice, one might think that the products - goods, services - also do not deserve attention. Because they can be executed in bad faith and with poor quality. Also, a name that does not have a soul can interfere with development and scare off partners. The reason will be the same doubts about the seriousness and reliability of the founder.

#2 What to name a medical clinic?

The names of medical clinics are usually:

  • Associated with medicine in general or with a specific specialization of the center (general practice, urology, gynecology, dentistry, cosmetology, perinatal center, laboratory).
  • They refer to health, longevity, well-being, etc.
  • Associated with a special type of treatment (alternative medicine, oriental practices and therapy).
  • Indicate the personalities of the founder and chief physician.
  • Sometimes original, non-medical names are used. The professionalism and reputation of the clinic may in the future make the brand name begin to be associated with medical services.

Most medical centers use a keyword to form the body of the name. An additional word or phrase is added to describe the institution's unique offering.

Here are three main guidelines to follow when choosing a name for your clinic:

  1. Unleash your imagination by creating medical words and phrases. For example, come up with a name that includes a variation of the word “health” or “medicine.” Combine with other words or numbers specific to your business.
  2. Make sure the name is creative and memorable to attract both patients and investors. The name of the medical institution should sound professional. Check the received options for uniqueness.
  3. Pay attention to the names of competitors. Is it easy to confuse brands when reading or pronouncing? If the answer is “yes,” look for another option.

Involve the clinic team in the name selection process. Brainstorming will save time and is more likely to be effective.

Pay attention to the list of checkpoints when choosing a name for a medical institution:


Planmeca PlanScan Lab.

Since we are talking about a laboratory, we need a desktop scanner. Planmeca PlanScan Lab, a fast and accurate device for scanning plaster models and impressions, is ideal here. We chose it because of two main indicators - ease of use and convenience. The scanner can be used for single crowns and abutments, as well as for full bridges and implant-supported bars.

Another important advantage of the scanner is speed. The entire jaw is scanned in approximately 40 seconds with an accuracy of 5 microns. This is a great advantage for a laboratory that processes a large number of orders, where speed and accuracy are important.

Working with scanned files.

After this, all that remains is to export the file. There are no problems with this, the scanner supports a wide range of formats. You can export data to open STL, PLY and OBJ file formats.

#3 Names of existing clinics and basic naming principles

Please be aware that some names may be registered trademarks. Trademark infringement can result in expensive legal fees and other significant expenses. Before you approve a clinic name, consult with a trademark lawyer and, at a minimum, check the uniqueness of the name with free online resources.

We have prepared for you several lists of names of operating Russian clinics. To stand out from the crowd of competitors, you should avoid hackneyed constructions and identical words (health, doctor, clinic, honey). Otherwise, there is a high probability that your brand will get lost among hundreds of similar ones.

There are several options for coming up with a brand name:

  1. Use words related to the topic of healthcare in the title.
  2. Include the specialization of the medical center in the name.
  3. Snap to the location of the object.
  4. Focus on the founder's name.
  5. Make a reference to ancient healers and ancient Greek myths. In this case, there is a risk of being misunderstood, since not all people are equally erudite.
  6. Create an abbreviation. Often, for this purpose, the specialization of the clinic and some word related to medicine are combined. For example, as in the name “Osteomed”, “Osteoclinic”.
  7. Choose a capacious, sonorous word that is only indirectly related to healthcare.

Names containing variations of the word “health”

  • Health
  • Health House
  • Healthy Family Center
  • Vivo Clinic
  • Be healthy
  • Health algorithm
  • Healthy generation
  • Health history
  • Healthy man
  • Healthy people
  • Health Academy
  • Age of Health
  • Medical health center
  • Women's Health Clinic
  • Hello!
  • Healthy smile
  • Health Clinic
  • Health is the basis of everything

Names containing the word “clinic” or parts thereof

  • Clinic of Hope
  • Medical clinic
  • Doctor Clinic
  • Family clinic
  • Best Clinic
  • Nova Clinic
  • Alan Clinic
  • GUTA Clinic
  • GMS Clinic
  • World Vision Clinic
  • Multiclinic

Titles containing the word “doctor”

  • My doctor
  • Doc+
  • Good Doctor
  • The doctor is nearby
  • Dr. Ost
  • Dr. Martin
  • Family doctor
  • First Doctor
  • Best doctor
  • Happy Doctor
  • Miracle Doctor
  • 7 capital doctors
  • Dr. Lens
  • Doctor Smile
  • Doctor Laser
  • Doctor friend
  • Doctor Magician
  • Cheerful medic

Medical clinic name ideas that include part of the word “medicine”

  • Medsi
  • MobileMed
  • Medicine
  • Center for Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Doctors
  • Dobromed
  • Eurasia Honey
  • Trust Honey
  • Med and Care
  • MedSwiss
  • President-med
  • ABC Medicine
  • SM clinic
  • ONclinic
  • Open Clinic
  • Medical home
  • Medcenterservice
  • DocMed
  • Euromed
  • Medicine and beauty
  • Medical Council
  • Citymed
  • MedStar Hospital Center
  • Polymedica
  • Tsentraviamed
  • Neuromed
  • Medical family
  • MedSwiss
  • GenoMed
  • Medical staff

Medical clinic name ideas that include the word “wellness”

  • Wellness Daily live
  • Back Smart Wellness Center
  • Elite Wellness
  • Trinity Health and Wellness Medical Group

Names of medical clinics that include the word “therapy”

  • Manual Therapy Center
  • Radiation Therapy Center “Onkostop”
  • Manual therapy clinic “Back is healthy”

Brand formed on behalf of the founder

  • Clinic of Dr. Shilova
  • Clinic of Dr. Bubnovsky
  • Elena Malysheva Medical Center
  • Clinic of Dr. Mukhina “Origitea”
  • Children's Medical Center named after Svyatoslav Fedorov

The name of the clinic, which is associated with the location of the facility or type of medicine

  • Capital Medical Center
  • Medical center on Kolomenskaya
  • Tagansky Medical Center
  • Moscow doctor
  • Levoberezhnaya Clinic
  • Scandinavian Medical Center
  • European Medical Center
  • Sinai Clinic

Using the names of ancient philosophers, healers, doctors

  • Grandsons of Hippocrates
  • Hippocratic Oath
  • Avicenna
  • Asklepius

Indication of the medical center's specialization in the name

  • Mother and child
  • DocDeti
  • Innovative Vascular Center
  • Osteopathy plus
  • Moscow Eye Clinic
  • ENT center
  • CityLab
  • SkifLab
  • Beauty Institute

Short and sonorous names of medical clinics

  • Dialogue
  • Genesis (reproductive medicine clinic)
  • Professor
  • Florence
  • All yours
  • Healing
  • Lux
  • Levita
  • Tradition
  • City of Childhood (children's medical center)
  • Fantasy (children's medical center)
  • Anderson (pediatric dentistry)
  • The quality of life
  • Evolution
  • Wave
  • Patient selection
  • Althea
  • Plus 1 (reproductive medicine clinic)
  • Medoc (gynecology)
  • Vector
  • Emerald
  • Life line
  • May
  • Pearl

#4 What to call dentistry

Among the names for dental clinics there are already a lot of variations with the words “dent”, “tooth”, “smile”. To stand out when starting a new dental practice, you should go a different route and find other associations.

Existing dental clinics

  • Elite stoma
  • Demastom
  • Stoma
  • StomDom
  • Profstom
  • Dent Wave
  • NovDenta
  • The president
  • Azura Dent
  • Dent and Care
  • Denta Service
  • Mister tooth
  • Dentist
  • Smile formula
  • Smile line
  • Crystal
  • Videntis
  • We treat teeth
  • Teeth for everyone
  • Healthy teeth

#5 Lifehacks for creating an original name for a medical center, online name generators

There are several options for launching your own creativity.

One of these is to study naming principles in other countries. Of course, not all options are suitable for Russia, but this may prompt other ideas. For example, in the USA the names of saints often appear in titles:

  • St. Anthony's Medical Clinic
  • St James Health Center
  • St. Luke's Medical Clinic
  • St. Thomas Health Care

You can monitor not only English resources, but also, for example, Spanish ones (any country will do). You may be visually and aurally drawn to the medical terminology in Spanish. It will be enough to adapt it to our realities. Alternatively, look for inspiration in Latin words and expressions.

By the way, there are many free online name generators on the Internet for different types of businesses. You can come up with several dozen combinations to later discuss them with colleagues and choose the best brand name.

Choosing a CAD/CAM system: laboratory kit

We continue to review the best, in the opinion of our editors, CAD/CAM systems. In the very first review, we already had a kit from Planmeca. But Planmeca Fit is a set for a clinic, and today we will look at an option that is suitable for a dental laboratory. They didn’t come up with any specific name for it. It's simply a combination of great equipment—some of the best in the company's lineup—that's ideal for even the busiest lab.

With your permission, we will not delay and right away we will begin to describe every detail of this set. You know everything about the company, about the difficulties of choosing, too, but we need to explain why dental technicians need this combination.

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