Acute and chronic pulpitis. Pulpitis of wisdom tooth

Problem: a woman came to the Family Dentistry for dental prosthetics. In addition to the main reason for the visit, the patient complained of pain in the lower jaw on the left, but could not indicate the exact location. Diagnostics showed that the wisdom tooth was destroyed by caries, and there was inflammation inside the tooth - pulpitis. The woman did not want to have the tooth removed.

Solution: pulpitis of the wisdom tooth (eighth tooth) was treated with a microscope, the tooth was restored with a composite.

What is special about wisdom teeth?

The maximum set of molars for an adult is 32. In this case, it is considered normal to have 28 teeth, since four teeth are the so-called eighth molars or wisdom teeth. For some, they do not erupt at all, for others, when “eights” appear, complications and pathologies arise, but in other cases, wisdom teeth occupy the correct position in the dentition and do not bother their owner. “Eights” usually appear between the ages of 17 and 27, that is, during the period when a person has already formed an attitude towards hygiene and his own dental health. Why is it important? Due to the remote position of wisdom teeth, it is quite difficult to carry out high-quality cleaning, so only very good hygiene can reduce the risk of dental damage. In reality, it is the third molars that are in the top in terms of the number of cases of caries and its common complication - pulpitis.

How to prevent the development of dental caries?

Good dental hygiene helps prevent the development of dental caries, and regular dental examinations detect caries at the very beginning and prevent complications. The distant teeth - wisdom teeth - can be difficult to access for self-cleaning. Maintaining a good level of hygiene requires professional teeth cleaning. Plaque removal using the Air Flow method cleans the most difficult to reach areas. Visiting a hygienist twice a year is a reliable prevention of caries and gum inflammation. Read more about caries prevention measures and dental hygiene here.

Pulpitis of the wisdom tooth: symptoms and treatment

Pulpitis affects the connective tissue of the tooth - the pulp. It has a crown and a root part: depending on the shape and degree of the disease, one or both parts may be affected. The symptoms of wisdom tooth pulpitis are exactly the same as in the case of other teeth.

  • Painful sensations.

    In acute pulpitis, the pain is acute and paroxysmal, and can be felt in the temples, ears and other parts of the jaw. The pain intensifies at night and when exposed to irritants (temperature, chemical or mechanical). With chronic pulpitis, the pain is dull and less pronounced, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease, given the location of the wisdom tooth;

  • Bleeding.

    It appears only in chronic hypertrophic pulpitis, when granulation tissue grows;

  • Change in tooth color.

    Observed in the case of tissue necrosis with gangrenous pulpitis.

When a wisdom tooth hurts, pulpitis is just one of the options that could be the cause. To diagnose pulpitis, a visual examination, x-ray or EDI (electrodynamic diagnostics) is required. Of course, such procedures are carried out only by professionals, so if you suspect pulpitis, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Most patients who face a similar problem have two questions: is wisdom tooth pulpitis treated and is it worth treating wisdom tooth pulpitis. The answer to the first question is yes, but to answer the second, you need to consider each clinical case separately.

Causes of pulpitis

The main reason for the development of pulpitis lies in the penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the pulp chamber, which causes an infectious process to develop, under the influence of which the pulp becomes inflamed. There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of the disease, the main ones being:

  • Carious lesion - caries not only spoils the appearance of a smile, with this disease the hard tissues of the tooth are gradually damaged and destroyed. As a result, the protective potential of the enamel is reduced, and channels are formed in the bone tissue through which pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the pulp, provoking an infectious and inflammatory process.
  • Mechanical injuries to the tooth - as a result of blows and bruises, chips of parts of the tooth, the formation of cracks, there is a possibility of damage to the pulp chamber, which causes an inflammatory process.
  • Damage to the pulp during surgery - some dental procedures, such as dental surgery or prosthetics, are accompanied by a risk of damage to the pulp, which leads to the development of pulpitis. A striking example is a burn to the upper edge of the pulp chamber during the process of grinding a tooth before installing a crown.
  • Concomitant pathologies - pulpitis can develop even if the integrity of the hard tissues of the dental structures is not compromised. In such cases, the infection enters the pulp chamber through the bloodstream or the root, for example, in the presence of a cyst or advanced forms of periodontal disease.

Pulpitis of the wisdom tooth: treat or remove?

In most cases, a wisdom tooth with pulpitis is removed. The main indications for removing a diseased “eight” are developmental pathologies, as well as being outside the bite (in this case, the tooth has no function). We are talking, first of all, about retention and dystopia. An impacted wisdom tooth is completely or partially hidden in the jaw, and a dystopic wisdom tooth has an incorrect position relative to the rest of the dentition. These pathologies in themselves are a good reason for removing the “eight”, however, if pulpitis occurs due to the impossibility of full treatment, such teeth are definitely removed.

First visit:

Anesthesia or is it painful to remove a nerve from a tooth?

How painful is it to treat pulpitis: It is definitely very painful if you decide to do it without anesthesia. Fortunately, modern anesthetics can completely solve this problem. If you still feel pain after anesthesia, this may be due to the anesthetic not being strong enough or the anesthesia technique being used incorrectly. The latter usually happens when the doctor tries to anesthetize large molars in the lower jaw (mandibular anesthesia, which is complex in technique, is performed there).

An example of anesthesia (video) –

Drilling out all carious tissues with a drill -

Firstly, at this stage all carious tissue is removed. Secondly, healthy tooth tissues are also partially removed, namely all tooth tissues above the pulp chamber and the mouths of the root canals. This is necessary to ensure visualization of the root canal orifices and ease of their processing with instruments. In Fig. 6-7 you can see the boundaries of excision of hard tooth tissues in the treatment of pulpitis. Figure 8 shows a view of the root canal mouths after they have drilled into the required amount of tooth tissue.

Tooth isolation from saliva –

This is done using a rubber dam. Isolation is necessary to prevent infection from the oral cavity from getting into the root canals along with saliva. This is standard international practice, but in Russia a rubber dam can often be seen only when a doctor fills a tooth. Normally, any work with root canals should be carried out using a rubber dam.

Removal of pulp from the tooth crown and root canals –

It is carried out with special tools designed to work in canals.
In Fig. 9 you can see tooth pulp wound around such a tool. By the way, video 1, which we posted above, shows the process of pulp removal. The video below clearly shows the moment when the tooth pulp is removed from the root canal (time – 1 minute 5 seconds). Treatment of pulpitis: video of nerve removal from a tooth

Measuring the length of root canals in a tooth –

This is one of the most important stages, because... if the length of each channel is determined incorrectly, it will cause -

  • or underfilling of the canals, which will lead to complications after the end of treatment,
  • or refilling the canals, which can lead to long-term pain and injury to the mandibular nerve.

Measuring the length of the canals is ideally carried out using a combination of the x-ray method and the use of an “apex locator”. In this case, first, special K-file instruments are introduced into each root canal in turn (Fig. 10), which are connected to the apex locator using a thin electrode (Fig. 12). The K-files are gradually advanced deeper into the root canal until there is a signal on the apex locator screen that the tip of the instrument has reached the apex of the tooth root.

It is necessary to measure each channel in turn, because The length of each channel is unique and there are no exact standards. After the measurements are completed and the data are recorded, K-files are simultaneously inserted into all channels (each to its own depth), and a control x-ray is taken (Fig. 11). The apex locator sometimes makes mistakes, so the x-ray will show how accurately the length of the canal was measured and whether adjustments are needed.

Mechanical processing of channels –

A budget option for mechanical treatment of root canals involves the use of manual files (K-files or reamers) - in Fig. 13 you can see a K-file in the root canal. The dentist rotates this instrument by the handle with his fingertips, and the cutting edges of the instrument excise chips from the walls of the canal, expanding it. The purpose of mechanical treatment is to widen the canal so that later it can be properly filled.

A better and more expensive processing option involves the use of an endodontic micromotor and special nickel-titanium files with shape memory. Mechanical processing of each channel is carried out to the depth determined at the previous stage. This is necessary to ensure that each root canal is filled exactly to the root apex. During the expansion process, it is very important to constantly rinse the canals with antiseptics, which is necessary for disinfection, but first of all, to wash out the shavings from the canal (

Mechanical treatment of root canals:

In video 1, you can see in detail how the expansion of root canals is carried out with ordinary hand instruments (for this, hand-held K-files of different diameters are used - from smaller to larger). In video 2, the dentist processes root canals using an endodontic micromotor and ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium profiles.

Placing a temporary filling –

After the canals are washed and dried to remove excess moisture, turundas soaked in antiseptic are left in them, and a temporary filling is applied to the tooth. The cost of treatment is calculated based on the number of root canals in the tooth.

Treatment of wisdom tooth pulpitis

Treatment of wisdom tooth pulpitis is carried out in the same way as on other teeth. In 90% of cases, the doctor performs complete removal of the pulp: only in the initial stages of chronic fibrous pulpitis is it possible to save part of the pulp. However, even if the wisdom tooth is positioned correctly and has completely erupted, very often the doctor suggests extraction rather than treatment. This is due to some features of wisdom teeth that reduce the likelihood of a successful treatment outcome.

  • Location of position. Wisdom teeth are difficult to reach, and treatment of pulpitis requires almost pinpoint precision.
  • Wisdom teeth have curved roots, which sometimes makes the depulpation procedure extremely difficult.

Despite the difficulty of treatment, sometimes preserving wisdom teeth is advisable. First of all, this applies to situations where, of all the molars, only “eights” remain (in the future, a prosthesis can be attached to them), as well as in the initial stages of the disease, when the chances of a successful and predictable result are higher.

Treatment methods

Treatment of pulpitis is carried out in a complex: as a rule, the nerve is removed (only in rare cases, when there is slight inflammation, it can be treated with medication and thereby kept alive for some time). After this, the canals are filled and the coronal part is restored if it is destroyed. Diagnosis and treatment monitoring are necessarily carried out using an x-ray - a targeted image of one tooth.

Dental canal treatment The dental canals are cleaned using special instruments and medications. The treatment takes 2 visits - during the first, the nerve is removed and the cavity is thoroughly cleaned. In the second, the quality of the treatment is assessed, the temporary filling is removed and a permanent one is placed.

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Installation of a core tab After cleaning the dental canals, if the crown is almost completely destroyed, i.e. under the root, it is necessary to restore the tooth. An inexpensive option is to install a pin, but a more rational option is to make a stump tab that completely replicates the structure of the root system. This way the load is distributed more evenly, so the tooth will last longer. Next, you can install a crown or line the top of the inlay with a composite material.

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Installing a crown Installing a crown after treatment of pulpitis may be necessary if the apex of the tooth is destroyed by more than half. For the lateral teeth, the best option would be to use metal-ceramics, for the front teeth - pure ceramics. In both cases, a crown made of zirconium dioxide is suitable, since it is characterized by increased strength and at the same time has a snow-white tint. A single prosthesis can be attached to the tooth itself (if there is something left of it), or to a pin or core tab.

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