Filling the root canal of a baby tooth
Untimely treatment of caries in children leads to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of tooth tissue, including
Lipoma of the quadrigeminal cistern on MRI
X-ray of the paranasal sinuses: when is it prescribed, what does the result show?
A little about the paranasal sinuses What to do if pathological changes are detected in the photographs? What
caries prevention
TICKET No. 16 exogenous fluorine prophylaxis, drugs, methods of their application, mechanism of action.
Causes Types of prevention Hygiene Treatment in the stain stage How to avoid? Caries - damage to hard
Premium pastes
Review of Theodent toothpastes: composition, therapeutic effects, reviews
For 30 years, a team of Tulane University scientists led by the company's leading researcher
Baby teeth
How children's teeth are treated. Pediatric dentist: we treat teeth painlessly for children under 14 years old
The enamel of baby teeth is thin and delicate. Therefore, the first teeth are susceptible to caries. Often tooth decay
The most common dental diseases in children
Even small children are susceptible to dental diseases, since the enamel and gums of children are not yet sufficient
Dentistry for dogs
Correction of canine position disorders in dogs and cats
The Bio-Vet network of veterinary clinics provides dental services to your dogs. It must be remembered that caring for
Age spots are a symptom of health problems
Causes of yellowness around the mouth If problems occur that are characterized by changes in blood circulation,
What you can and cannot eat with braces, which food is better to give preference to
A turn-key braces system effectively corrects bites and straightens teeth in adults
Principles and Techniques of Anatomical Wax-Up,
Dental modeling is a set of manipulations to prepare for the installation of orthopedic structures. Used for visual
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