Why do white pimples appear on the lips and how to get rid of them?


is a viral disease. One of the most well-known manifestations of a herpes infection is small, clear, painful blisters on the lips. Previously, in such a case they said “a cold on the lip popped up”, now they more often talk about “herpes on the lip”.

However, the family of herpes viruses is quite large. There are several types of herpes virus that can infect the human body. The most studied types are:

  • herpes simplex virus type 1
    (HSV-1). It is he who is responsible for pimples on the lip. HSV-1 primarily affects the mucous membranes of the lips, oral cavity and nasopharynx. Herpetic rashes can also appear within the nasolabial triangle (in particular, on the wings of the nose), less often on the cheeks and other parts of the face. Recently, HSV-1 quite often becomes the cause of herpetic lesions of the genital area, where it is introduced through oral sex;
  • herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) – genital herpes
    . Main manifestations: redness, the appearance in the area of ​​redness of bubbles filled with liquid, tending to merge, the appearance of erosions and crusts at the site of the bubbles, itching, headache and muscle pain, increased urination;
  • chickenpox virus
    (varicella) is a type 3 herpes virus. In people who have already had chickenpox, this type of virus causes herpes zoster. Therefore, this type of herpes is also called Varicella-Zoster;
  • Epstein-Barr virus
    (Epstein-Barr viral infection - EBVI) is a type 4 herpes virus. It is the causative agent of mononucleosis, causes malignant diseases of lymphoid tissue, and is considered the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • cytomegalovirus
    – herpes virus type 5. The virus poses a threat to children during fetal development. May affect internal organs.

Types of acne on lips

The appearance of white pimples on the lips may indicate a cosmetic problem or a serious disease that is rapidly developing in the body. A thorough study of the nature of the focal fragments and symptoms will help to identify the cause.



Pimples that quickly increase in size, more like bubbles, appear more often on the outside of the lip (at the border of the red line).

The contents of mature pimples are a liquid substance. The reason lies in the activation of the virus, which was in the body in a dormant state.

Provocateurs can be various factors: stress, weakened immunity, trauma, etc. Characteristic symptoms: itching, pain, burning sensation.

Purulent inflammation

Purulent pimple

Purulent acne appears as a result of disruption of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the pores become clogged with sebaceous secretion.

In addition, dead cells collect in them, an infection attaches, which provokes an inflammatory process. The pimple initially looks like a red dot, then whiteness appears in the center, which indicates pus is breaking through.

As a result of ripening, the pus breaks out and the wound begins to gradually heal. The whole process is accompanied by pain, and sometimes there is a slight increase in body temperature.

Clogged pores

Clogged Pores

Small white pimples in the lip area also appear as a result of clogged pores, which is caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics, their incorrect application, unscrupulous hygiene procedures and other factors.

The head is dense to the touch and cannot be removed mechanically. There is no pain or redness when pressing on a pimple.



The main provocateurs of stomatitis are viruses, infections, and yeast-like fungi.

Initially, white pimples appear, after which liquid matures inside them, which eventually comes out.

Ulcers form in the focal area. Symptoms: pain when pressing on a pimple, burning, itching, fever. Treatment is selected depending on the type of stomatitis.

Acne in pregnant women: is this normal?

During pregnancy, a woman experiences enormous stress, and the change in hormones alone is worth it. Acne forms on the face, décolleté, back, and genital area. If you maintain daily hygiene, everything will go away on its own. The threat of miscarriage and taking strong medications increases the risk of strange lumps appearing in the delicate area.

The 2nd and 3rd trimester also provokes rashes on the genitals, this is due to the rapidly growing tummy, which prevents the penetration of air to the genitals. It is recommended to choose loose cotton clothing. During gestation, the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is overloaded several times, so you should rinse more than once so that the pores do not become clogged with dirt. Continue taking vitamins to avoid the risk of vitamin deficiency, and as a result, a decrease in the protective functions of female microflora. By following all these tricks for 9 months, be sure that pimples will not affect the happy course of bearing a child.

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The nature of the localization of acne makes it clear what reason provoked the appearance of inflamed spots. Accurate diagnosis allows you to choose the right treatment and eliminate the problem as soon as possible.

  • The location of white pimples on the inside of the lip under the skin often indicates an allergic reaction, especially if there is no pain. The pathogen may be in cosmetics and other hygiene products used by the patient. To confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to take urine and blood tests. White pimples inside the mouth also appear in smokers or people who pay insufficient attention to the issue of hygiene.
  • If white blisters are found on the outside of the mouth (along the border) , and the pimple itself is characterized by wateriness, then the suspicion falls on herpes. The rash spreads quickly, affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes.
  • Foci inside the mouth, located chaotically , may be a sign of stomatitis. In this case, the patient experiences pain and burning, even if there is no pressure on the pimple. Eating food and drinking drinks causes discomfort. Additionally, physical weakness and fever are observed.
  • The location of pimples (small white ones) in the corners of the mouth and on the upper part indicates a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  • White dots in the lips and corners indicate hormonal imbalance.
  • When the sebaceous glands are blocked, white pimples, called wen, often appear on the border of the upper lip. Their surface is covered with a crust. The contents of the wen are a yellow substance of dense consistency. If left untreated, acne can become inflamed and fester.


Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which can occur in mild and severe forms. The development of pathology is possible at any age. Risk factors for the appearance of white pimples on the inside of the lip include insufficient hygiene, smoking, and lack of iron in the diet. In this case, genetics and gender do not matter.

Other reasons

A quick solution to the problem depends on a correct diagnosis. This is not easy to do due to the large number of provoking factors. In addition to the main reasons listed, there are others that should also be considered by a specialist during examination.

Causes of white pimples on lips
NameAdditional symptoms
Stomach diseasesRash on the limbs and abdomen, irregular bowel movements.
Fordyce granulesThe disease is non-contagious and is practically asymptomatic. White spots form not only in the corners of the mouth, but throughout the body. At the same time, they do not hurt or itch. The size of pimples also does not change over time.
Bad habitsLovers of alcohol, coffee, and soda always have dental problems: darkened tooth enamel, caries, acne on the lips and skin. The same symptoms are observed in smokers, whose skin color also changes.
Lack of vitamins and microelementsUlcers appear in the corners of the mouth, cracks form on the lips, and loose stools appear.
Consequences of hyaluronic acid injectionsOn the first day after a cosmetic procedure, white pimples may appear. This is due to an allergic reaction to the components used.
Intestinal diseasesAbnormal bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea), acne on the body.
Hormonal imbalancesIn addition to acne, the patient has an unstable psycho-emotional background, which is expressed in sudden changes in mood and depression. Women experience menstrual irregularities, physical weakness, and hot flashes.
Lack of hygieneA rash appears on the skin; acne can be purulent. Symptoms characteristic of gastrointestinal diseases appear.
Unbalanced dietWeakened immunity, frequent colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Changes are noticeable to the naked eye: pale or yellowish skin color, acne on the body, intestinal problems.

Tumor formations

Lumps in the groin area and labia can be a sign of a tumor process in the body. Fortunately, genital tumors are often benign.

  • Fibroma is a neoplasm of benign etiology, which is localized in the connective tissue, less often in the fascia of the parametric tissue. As a rule, it is located on the labia majora. Treatment of the tumor is exclusively surgical. Our doctors effectively treat this disease, guaranteeing a further favorable prognosis.
  • Fibromyoma is a tumor that does not entail tissue destruction and metastasis (also benign). It is formed from muscle fibers and appears as a lump on the labia majora. Surgical excision is mandatory.
  • Lipoma is a more severe tumor that does not have a malignant etiology. It is formed from adipose tissue and is located near the vulva. It is a nodule or several overgrown small neoplasms. Located on a dense, stable leg. The size of the nodule is usually small, but tends to grow. Such a tumor is always accessible during a traditional examination without additional diagnostic procedures. You may also be able to detect a lipoma by feeling your genitals or washing your face. If the disease is not treated, various complications are possible: hemorrhage, infection, swelling and even tissue necrosis. Our surgeons excise the lipoma and prescribe further supportive therapy.
  • Hidradenoma is a rare type of tumor in the genital area. It develops due to the active activity of the sweat glands and some other abnormalities. In the case of this disease, hardening in the form of nodules forms on the labia, sometimes they are localized over the entire area of ​​the organ or are single. Hidradenoma must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise it may develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Oncology. (Cancer or sarcoma of the vagina, cancer of the vulva). It appears in the form of nodes and dense tubercles in the genital area. If benign tumors practically do not cause additional symptoms, oncology is always accompanied by copious discharge of pus or mucus with a pungent odor, bleeding, and diffuse infiltrates. Unfortunately, in this case, no one can give an unambiguous favorable prognosis, even with timely treatment.

White pimples on a child's lips

Examination of a child's lips

If you find white pimples on a child’s lip, you need to pay attention to their number and the nature of their location. If we are talking about one or two points, there is no need to worry. And in case of a profuse rash on the body, you should consult a specialist. This symptom may indicate an allergic reaction of the body or an infectious disease.

Pimples on the lips of children occur due to stomatitis, and most often the body temperature rises and physical weakness is observed. Qualified medical assistance in this situation is simply necessary.

You can even notice white pimples on a newborn baby. This is explained by the hormonal changes that occur in the body from birth to six months. In any case, you should at least see a pediatrician.


Taking a scraping

It is the responsibility of a dermatologist to determine what triggered the appearance of white pimples on the lips. During the examination, the specialist takes into account the parameters of the lesions, the intensity of the development of inflammation, the presence of swelling and other symptoms. Diagnosis is a rather complex process, because there are many reasons.

To clarify the picture, a blood test is performed and a scraping of the upper layer of the epidermis is taken. If there is a suspicion of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the patient is referred for an ultrasound scan. Based on the test results, a treatment regimen is developed.


In order to choose appropriate drugs, it is necessary to study the nature of inflammation.

  • The doctor will select the treatment after passing the diagnosis.

    A pimple that appears as a result of activation of herpes is distinguished by the following characteristics: large size, wateriness, and shape. Delay in treatment risks rapid spread of lesions to adjacent areas of the skin. Drugs used to suppress the pathogen contain propylene glycol. The active substance copes well with acne if you treat it every hour on the first day of its appearance. Apply cream or ointment using targeted movements, trying not to affect healthy areas of the skin. What you definitely shouldn’t do is puncture or squeeze out pimples; as a result of opening, an open wound is formed, where infection can easily penetrate. Popular remedies for herpes: Acyclovir, Herpevir, Zovirax, etc.

  • Acne that shows signs of inflammation is treated with local remedies. This is an infusion of calendula and sage, celandine extract, fir essential oil, alcohol tincture of propolis, etc. When processing, it is important not to touch the skin around the lesion so as not to cause a burn. It is better to use a cotton swab as a tool. The drug Graphite is popular due to its high effectiveness in the fight against acne and wen. It is also used for prevention.
  • For dental problems, acne is combated using decoctions of chamomile and calendula, and furatsilin solution. They rinse the mouth every 2-3 hours. The antiseptic effect of the products helps to cope with multiplying microorganisms.
  • Acne of an allergic nature and resulting from a weakened immune system is treated with oral medications and vitamin complexes (general therapy). Depending on the type of pathogen, medications are prescribed: Cetrin, Claritin, Zyrtec, Dimentiden, etc. It is also worth reviewing the composition of cosmetic products. If they contain a component that causes an allergic reaction in the body, further use should be discarded.
  • General therapy is also prescribed in case of hormonal imbalance . The appointment is made exclusively by a specialist based on test results.
  • Pinpoint pimples above the upper lip often indicate a pathology in which part of the nervous system is affected. Therapy in this case involves an integrated approach, including drug treatment and cosmetic procedures.

Drug treatment is often combined with traditional methods. The composition of simple recipes contains natural ingredients, mainly of plant origin.

One of the popular folk treatment methods is treating the affected area with aloe juice.

Many of them were passed down from generation to generation, due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the method. Among the most popular methods:

  • acne treatment with aloe juice (3-5 times a day);
  • applying a mask of oatmeal (2 parts) and soda (1 part), the mixture is diluted with boiled warm water to the consistency of sour cream, the exposure time on the skin is 15-20 minutes;
  • applying toothpaste to acne (at night);
  • cauterization of acne with tea tree essential oil (do not touch healthy areas of the skin);
  • Apply a compress of crushed garlic to the pimples for 10 minutes using a cotton pad.

White pimples on the lip sometimes appear due to blockage of the sebaceous glands, so at home it is enough to carry out a course of cleansing procedures. The following components are well suited for these purposes:

  • homemade cottage cheese;
  • cream (natural);
  • chopped avocado;
  • a mixture of essential oils (grape seeds, castor oil, apricot, olive).

Such procedures saturate tissues and cells with beneficial vitamins and minerals, which is important in case of nutritional deficiency.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure, you should give up bad habits.

Following simple recommendations will help prevent the appearance of white pimples on the lips.

  • The diet should be filled with 70% fresh vegetables and fruits. This will help enrich the body with useful microelements, strengthen the protective function (immunity), and ensure the functioning of vital systems.
  • Bad habits should be abandoned. Beauty and health are not comparable to smoking and alcohol.
  • Fatty, smoked foods , as well as semi-finished products should be excluded from the menu. Their benefits to the body are questionable, but they cause a lot of harm.
  • A stable psycho-emotional background creates favorable conditions for the functioning of all systems and organs. It is recommended to introduce morning jogging or evening walks into your usual daily routine. This helps improve your mood and you feel a surge of energy. A hot temper is well corrected by intense or intellectual sports. In addition, it can captivate other family members.
  • Compliance with basic rules of hygiene , in particular the oral cavity, prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
  • In extreme heat, wind or frost, it is worth taking care of the delicate skin of your lips. To do this, it is recommended to use special cosmetics (ointment, hygienic lipstick, Vaseline, etc.).

Even touching your lips with unwashed hands can trigger acne. Anyone who had the opportunity to examine their hands under a microscope before washing was horrified by the number of microorganisms on the skin after a walk, visiting public places or traveling on public transport.


To protect yourself from unpleasant seals and suppurations, you must follow simple recommendations:

  1. Stop wearing thongs.
  2. Take care of intimate hygiene - wash, use wet bactericidal wipes, especially after being in a public toilet.
  3. If you have hypersensitive skin and your bikini area gets irritated every time, there are gentle depilation methods and creams.
  4. Follow the timing of changing pads and tampons, use soap without perfumed fragrances.
  5. Wash yourself properly, wash the outer part of the genitals, there is no need to clean the vagina, this disrupts the natural microflora, which can cause infection in the genital tract.
  6. After purchasing new linen, be sure to pre-wash it and change it for new ones every day.
  7. Do not overheat in a bathhouse, sauna, or in the sun, and dress warmly in winter.
  8. Get enough sleep, eat the right foods, drink plenty of water, avoid stress.
  9. Avoid uncontrolled sexual intercourse.
  10. Take immunomodulators and multivitamins that will strengthen the body's defenses.
  11. Do not self-medicate, make an appointment with a doctor immediately, only a professional examination will help you understand the severity of the rash and choose the right treatment.

These simple tips can not only improve your well-being, but also save you a lot of money on visiting a gynecologist, venereologist, virologist and dermatologist.

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