Why do red dots appear on the gums and palate?

Pimples on the tongue - what are they?

The mucous membrane in the mouth and tongue does not have sebaceous glands, so typical pimples cannot form on it. Such formations have two formation mechanisms:

  1. Under the influence of damaging factors, viruses or bacteria, the mucous membrane stratifies, under the top layer of which liquid accumulates and small bubbles form. If such a formation is not infected, then its contents will be transparent, but if infection has penetrated into its cavity, then suppuration is possible - the vesicle will turn white. If blood gets into the liquid, then this formation takes on a red or dark tint. The blisters may burst and painful ulcers form in their place.
  2. Sometimes, in response to inflammation, cells on the surface of the tongue begin to actively divide and slough off. Whitish or red formations form that resemble ordinary pimples, but at the same time they are only enlarged papillae.

Diagnosis of urticaria

Before starting treatment, it is important to understand what exactly a person has such a strong allergic reaction to.
Only by removing this provoking factor from your usual life can you not be afraid that the symptoms of urticaria will appear again, and this is possible even after proper therapy. Most often, this type of allergy appears to food. It is possible to determine what exactly caused the rash by a blood test: the level of IgE antibodies to a mixture of food allergens is detected. First of all, you need to diagnose the presence of an allergic reaction to:

  • nuts;
  • vegetables and legumes;
  • citrus fruits and fruits;
  • seafood;
  • cereal and sesame flour;
  • fruits and melons;
  • baby formula;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • loose leaf tea;
  • goat milk.

In addition to food, allergic manifestations can also occur to other substances that surround us almost everywhere in life:

  • mold fungi;
  • pollen from early flowering trees;
  • pollen of late-flowering trees;
  • weed pollen;
  • epithelium of domestic animals;
  • house dust;
  • house dust mite;
  • poultry feather.

To identify the exact type of allergen, allergy tests are performed on certain foods.
It often happens that rashes appear due to seasonings and herbs used in cooking: paprika, cumin, cloves, basil, ginger, tarragon, thyme, marjoram, dill, bay leaf, black pepper, vanilla. Some types of fish may also be allergenic: cod, halibut, mackerel, and squid meat. But sometimes an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria develops to such familiar products as:

  • cucumber;
  • apricot;
  • cherry;
  • tomato;
  • plum;
  • grape;
  • persimmon;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • watermelon.

All tests are carried out only by a specialist laboratory technician. You cannot independently determine the presence of an allergy in the form of urticaria to a particular food product or substance. This can be life-threatening, since it is possible to develop not only Quincke's edema, but also anaphylactic shock.

Causes of pimples

There are many reasons for the appearance of such formations on a child’s tongue. Let's try to understand each of them in more detail.

Tongue injuries

After three months of age, babies begin to actively explore the world around them, including trying to taste everything. But the objects that enter the child’s mouth are not always sterile. Older children often have a habit of chewing on sharp objects, which can also scratch or injure the tongue. Even minor trauma to the mucous membranes in combination with the ingress of microbes can provoke an inflammatory reaction and the appearance of painful pimples, which are often localized on the tip of the tongue.

Candidiasis or thrush

In children under one year of age, the immune system is not fully formed, so any disease leads to a decrease in the body’s protective properties. The consequence of this is candidiasis in the oral cavity - active growth of fungi of the genus Candida on the mucous membranes, which can also be provoked by taking antibiotics. One of the typical manifestations of thrush is the appearance of pimples and a cheesy white coating on the entire tongue surface, spreading to the entire oral cavity. If you remove such plaque, you can find redness, swelling and even the appearance of small ulcers underneath it.


With stomatitis, a large number of small white pimples appear on the root of the tongue at its base, on its lateral surfaces or at the tip, which are very painful and cause discomfort while eating or talking. Such pimples can merge to form extensive ulcers. In severe cases, the child feels generally unwell and has a high body temperature.


Children under two years of age are more likely than adults to have allergic reactions. One of the manifestations of allergies is the appearance of small whitish or red pimples on the tongue. They can be located both at the tip and in the area of ​​the root of the tongue and move to other parts of the oral mucosa: lips, gums, palate. Most often, such formations bother the child, itch and cause pain when eating and swallowing. But this is not characterized by an increase in body temperature.

An increase in allergy symptoms and the appearance of new pimples is caused by eating a product to which you are hypersensitive. Often the cause of such allergic reactions is toothpaste or other oral care products, even if they are recommended for use in children.


A bacterial infection that affects the tonsils in children can also spread to the lymphoid tissue, which is located at the root of the tongue closer to the throat. This is accompanied by the appearance of white pimples with a purulent coating in the tongue area. When the pus is removed, areas of redness and slight swelling are exposed. The formations are painful, interfere with normal swallowing and significantly worsen the child’s well-being: he becomes capricious, refuses to eat, and his body temperature rises. Often, if there are such pimples near the throat, you can feel enlarged lymph nodes.

Herpetic infection

Infection with the herpes virus most often occurs in childhood, and when the body’s immune defense is reduced, the infection can worsen. In this case, watery small pimples on a red background appear on the tongue, which can also appear on the child’s lips and throat. They are very painful and after opening them, shallow ulcers appear, which prevent the child from eating and talking normally.

Dysbacteriosis and unbalanced nutrition

Errors in the nutrition of a child, especially of a younger age, as well as disturbances in the normal composition of the intestinal microflora can lead to glossitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue. This leads to the fact that the epithelium of the papillae begins to actively divide, they take on the appearance of inflamed red or whitish pimples. They rarely bother the child; sensitivity to hot, cold or sour foods may only change.

Symptoms of urticaria

The main manifestation is the appearance on the skin of red or pink spots of various shapes, and blisters, the size of which can reach several centimeters.
A slight swelling may appear, which gradually disappears over the course of a day, rarely two. If the swelling affects the deeper layers of the skin or mucous membranes, angioedema may result - a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

The rash of allergic urticaria is always accompanied by unbearable itching, and some patients describe it as an unbearable burning sensation. Violent scratching of such areas can lead to infection of the epidermis with further complications in the form of pustules and wounds.

Minor manifestations of urticaria include:

  • headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sleep disorder;
  • anxiety;
  • loss of appetite.

According to the nature of the course, allergic diseases are divided into two types.
Acute urticaria is diagnosed most often. Blisters and swelling of the skin in this form appear completely suddenly, sometimes against the background of a person’s excellent health. Most often caused by some external reasons, food. It also happens after using medications, especially when self-medicating. Symptoms go away on their own within a few days to several weeks.

Chronic urticaria is a condition in which symptoms continue to persist for more than 6 weeks after the first rash on the skin. This variant is characterized by a wave-like course, when periods of complete absence of symptoms (recovery) are abruptly replaced by exacerbations with the appearance of a new portion of spots and blisters. This is accompanied by unbearable itching and rapid development of Quincke's edema. The emerging elements of the rash can merge with each other, covering more and more new areas of the skin.

Sometimes periods of complete well-being without symptoms can last for a long time - up to 10 years.

Children's urticaria is an allergic skin disease, which most often develops against the background of an existing exudative diathesis and appears due to food products introduced as complementary foods.

It has been noticed that this type of allergy mainly develops in babies who are bottle-fed or eat foods that are not appropriate for their age.


In the treatment of pimples on the tongue, regardless of the reasons that caused their appearance, there are common points:

  • Mandatory thorough oral hygiene. After each meal, it is advisable to treat pimples with an antiseptic solution.
  • Excluding any irritating factors from the child’s diet: spicy, hot or sour foods. It is desirable that the food is soft and does not cause additional injury to the mucous membrane.
  • Under no circumstances should pimples be squeezed or opened; this can lead to the development of complications in the child and aggravation of his condition.
  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends in such cases drinking a large amount of liquid, which will help remove toxins and allergens from the child’s body.

If pimples cause pain and discomfort in a child, then the doctor may prescribe products for topical use with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (Solcoseryl, Metrogyl denta).

If the cause of pimples is a sore throat or stomatitis, then it may be recommended to take antibacterial agents in combination with antiseptics. Treatment of allergic manifestations consists of eliminating the action of the allergen and taking antiallergic medications. For herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes of the tongue, antiviral drugs have a good effect, and for candidiasis - drugs with antifungal action.

Before you begin to treat pimples that appear on the tongue, you need to find out the causes of their occurrence. It is from this moment that all further treatment measures will depend. In order to make a correct diagnosis, you need to visit a dentist. Self-medication can be dangerous for the child.

Complications of urticaria

It is important to know what hives look like and to be able to provide first aid correctly.
This will help prevent the development of severe complications that can lead to death. Often urticaria is accompanied by Quincke's edema, which is also called angioedema. Its development in the larynx area is especially dangerous, as it can compress the trachea and impair breathing.

Another serious complication is anaphylactic shock. This is a life-threatening immediate allergic reaction that occurs when the human body is hypersensitive to a particular allergen. Usually develops upon repeated contact with the allergen and requires immediate medical attention.

How long does it take to cure hives?

Within 4-6 weeks, acute urticaria resolves in almost all patients with this diagnosis.
However, sometimes the acute form can become chronic, and then the disease becomes incurable, with periods of exacerbation and complete remission with the absence of symptoms, which alternate with each other. To deal with this allergic reaction as quickly as possible, it is recommended:

  1. Immediately consult a doctor at the clinic or call an ambulance.
  2. Follow a hypoallergenic diet for several months.
  3. Follow all doctor's orders and recommendations regarding treatment. Do not stop taking allergy medications at the first signs of improvement, but complete the full course.
  4. Be sure to have modern antihistamines recommended by an allergist in your home medicine cabinet.


Pugonina Tatyana Alekseevna, Therapist

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