“I was diagnosed with sinusitis. Is it possible to have implants?”
How does an infection in a tooth cause the lining of the maxillary sinus to thicken? The apexes of the roots of the teeth are
Is dental implantation possible for diabetes?
Dental implantation for diabetes mellitus has become possible in modern dental practice. The patient needs to promptly
Primary malignant melanoma of the oral cavity
Mucosal melanoma is a relatively rare disease and accounts for less than 1% of all melanomas. These
Treatment of mandibular odontogenic cyst associated with deep-seated third molar to prevent nerve damage and better periodontal treatment
Patients with chronic periodontitis often encounter a situation where a cyst forms at the root apex
Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of using glass ionomer cements in a pediatric dentistry clinic
Over time, teeth become fragile and begin to decay under the influence of various negative factors. IN
Residual defects of the hard palate after palatoplasty
Residual defects of the hard palate after palate surgery are holes of various shapes through which
Oral candidiasis - causes, symptoms and treatment
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Impaired muscle tone as one of the reasons for long-term automation of speech skills in children and ways to solve this problem through speech therapy massage. Methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Hypertonicity in a child is an excessive overstrain of the flexor muscles. It is due to the fact that in
The use of a diode laser in the complex treatment of aggressive periodontitis
HomePeriodontologyTreatment of periodontal disease with SIEMENS laser The main reason for patients visiting the dental clinic is severe pain
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