Job description for the specialty "Dentist-orthopedist"
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Can I use toothpaste after the expiration date?
Why do you need to brush your teeth? Oral hygiene is not only a matter of aesthetics. It is conditioned
Composites for the manufacture of permanent denture structures
Chronology of the use of core inlays in dentistry: stages Stage 1 At first, dentists used composite cores
Implants Noris Medical (Noris Medical) prices in Minsk
Noris Medical implants are relatively new, but have already proven themselves in the dental products market. This
Correctly selected alloy for dental prosthetics
Description of the main characteristics of alloys Hardness is understood as the property of a material to resist the penetration of an indenter into it
Filling tooth canals - modern materials and methods
A variety of modern techniques used for filling developed root canals differ significantly from each other,
“Casting technique” – answers to many questions in one place...
Foundry "DUCATRON" Since 1968, it has been producing the world-famous induction foundry
Do hooks on a denture (clasp) wear away tooth enamel?
Not everyone manages to keep their own teeth throughout their lives. How to lose teeth
Ceramics indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages
Common materials used to make veneers include photopolymer composites, porcelain, and
The effectiveness of bleaching laundry with hydrogen peroxide
What you need to consider Before bleaching, be sure to pay attention to the material of the product and the symbols on
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