Ulcers on the gums: symptoms and types of stomatitis, diagnosis, treatment
From this article you will learn: what to do if a child has an abscess on his gum, you need
Single-stage (basal) dental implantation: features of implementation and preparation
A basal implant (root-shaped) is narrower in shape than a classic implant. Installed in deep
Colgate 360 ​​electric toothbrush and its types
Electric toothbrush “Colgate 360”: application, features of use, review of attachments, reviews
969 All products from this manufacturer are aimed at improving the quality of life of the consumer and electrical
Features of bacterial sore throat: symptoms, causes, treatment
Methods of treating bacterial tonsillitis Modern medicine uses two methods of treating bacterial tonsillitis - surgical
Anatomy of the throat: location of the tonsils
Herpetic sore throat in children
September 9, 2022 Tonsillitis is an infectious disease that affects one or more tonsils.1
SPEEDEХ - Spidex - set of silicone impression mass
SIDE EFFECTS Polysiloxane has high biological tolerance. To date, no
How braces change the shape of the face - before and after photos
Most often, the Patient is concerned about the issue of dental aesthetics, and if the problem at first glance is
Service installation of veneers on front teeth in Kemerovo
What problems do veneers solve? Darkening and discoloration of enamel. The procedure is relevant in cases where
How to choose a 3D printer for a dental clinic or laboratory
Digital dentistry is an ideal choice from a business perspective. Judge for yourself: a combination of high quality,
Signs of enamel dysplasia
Tooth enamel hypoplasia in children: treatment and prevention
6818 More and more often, people turn to dental clinics with problems with the appearance of their teeth. Patients are concerned
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