Fluoride-containing toothpastes are dangerous to human health

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

For many years, every second person in the street was convinced that a good toothpaste must certainly contain fluoride. Our grandparents stubbornly insisted on the importance of this element. But is fluoride really necessary in toothpaste, or does the harm of this microelement still outweigh its benefits? Let's try to figure it out.

What role does fluoride play in our body?

When answering the question of what fluorine is and why it is needed, it should immediately be explained that in its pure form this element is a rather poisonous and toxic gas. However, in products and hygiene products this substance is contained in the form of salts - sodium or calcium fluoride. In this form, it can bring tangible benefits to the body.

Our need for this element is no more than three milligrams per day.

So, what does fluoride do in toothpaste and why is it needed? First of all, it supports the natural mineralization of bone tissue, making it strong and at the same time elastic. Sufficient intake of this substance into the body promotes the growth of nails and hair, strengthening of dental tissues. In addition, it provides additional protection for the body from the effects of pathogenic microflora, improves immunity, and helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals.

What to use for oral care?

In order not to expose yourself to the risk of “eating” on dangerous substances, you should use natural toothpaste. These products do not sparkle with dazzling whiteness; they have natural yellowish and beige shades. If it includes herbs, it has a greenish color; if it contains coal, it is black.

Such hygiene products can protect against caries no worse than conventional toothpastes: they contain natural ingredients that destroy bacteria. These are sorbitol, borneol, clove oil, myrrh extract.

Natural salt toothpaste, 75 ml, Weleda

555 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Why is this component so important for dental health - the benefits of the substance

The content of this element in oral care products protects against caries, makes enamel stronger, effectively removes plaque and fights pathogenic microflora. Let's take a closer look at the undoubted advantages of this component.

Prevention of caries

The enamel is constantly exposed to aggressive acids that are released with saliva. Food remains and other external factors lead to the formation of plaque, which gradually transforms into hard dental deposits, leading to the destruction of the enamel layer. As a result, a white spot first appears, which darkens and turns into a carious cavity.

The photo shows caries at the spot stage

Fluorine penetrates the crystal lattice of enamel, strengthens it and increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. It provides prevention of caries and prevents its further development, even if the disease is already at the white spot stage.

Decalcification protection

The substance promotes a process called “remyelination” - the transition of ions from the blood to the body’s tissues. Saliva, which is produced during food intake, leads to the opposite effect, that is, loss of calcium from dental tissues. When calcium and fluoride ions enter the oral cavity, they penetrate the crystal lattice of the enamel, strengthening it and preventing the destruction of hard tissues under the influence of saliva.

Strengthening enamel

The basis of enamel is calcium hydroxyapatite. By interacting with the microelement in question, this salt is converted into a new substance - fluorine hydroxyapatite. Thus, the microelement in question acts as a calcium protector, protecting it from the aggressive effects of acids in the oral cavity.

Prevention of the growth of pathogenic microflora

Pathogenic microorganisms that form plaque secrete special enzymes necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates and their absorption. Our substance blocks the production of these enzymes, which prevents the further spread of pathogenic microflora.

Fluoride works great against plaque

“I have been using fluoride toothpaste for a year now and am very pleased with the results! About six months ago I bought myself an irrigator, so with them, every morning cleaning feels like after professional hygiene at the dentist. I recently had a preventive examination and there were no problems with the enamel. And I myself understand that sensitivity has not appeared, the teeth are white, without spots or irregularities. It seems to me personally that all this hysteria about the harm of such products is greatly exaggerated!”

AlesyaK., Moscow, from correspondence on the woman.ru forum

Stopping the secretion of lactic acid

This microelement blocks excess lactic acid synthesis, thereby effectively suppressing the growth of pathogenic microflora. This acid is produced by microorganisms during their life and reproduction. Products containing this component prevent this process, thereby providing additional protection for the enamel.

Banned triclosan and other harmful additives: the whole truth about toothpaste

In the morning and evening we go to the bathroom, mechanically squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube and brush our teeth . These actions have become automatic, and few people think about what substances enter our mouths during the usual procedure. Perhaps advertising phrases about protection against bacteria and caries flash in someone’s memory. triclosan was widely advertised as a powerful fighter against harmful microflora .

and Drug Administration ( FDA ) has banned the use of this antibacterial and antifungal substance in the production of hygiene products, as well as as a hospital antiseptic. The reason for the taboo was the lack of evidence of its safety and effectiveness.

Why is the chemical still added to toothpastes and what does this mean for us?

The whole truth about toothpaste

After being banned from some products, triclosan remains legal in sportswear, cosmetics, cleaning products and toothpaste. Colgate Total is almost the only line that has it. Is it dangerous or not?


A team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts at Elmhurst found that triclosan accumulates in the nylon bristles of toothbrushes and is easily released in the mouth in uncontrolled quantities. Moreover, this effect is observed for at least a couple of weeks after switching to toothpaste without triclosan. Scientists have not yet figured out what effect the substance has on the human body, but experiments on animals have demonstrated that high doses lower the level of some thyroid hormones, disrupt the functioning of the immune system, increase resistance to antibiotics, and provoke tumors in mice.

Similar studies have not been conducted on humans, so the question of the dangers of the antibacterial additive still remains open. After weighing the pros and cons, officials decided not to ban triclosan in toothpaste for now, as there is evidence of its effectiveness in preventing gingivitis and gum disease.

What about analogues and other popular ingredients?

What are toothpastes made of, are they safe and how to choose them correctly

Having studied the composition of any toothpaste, you will find a lot of ingredients in it: from sweeteners to moisturizing components that prevent the product from drying out. How to figure it all out?

A good toothpaste should contain 2 main components, thanks to which it will cope with its immediate function: fluoride strengthens tooth enamel (in children's analogues it is replaced by fluoride), and a soft abrasive, for example, calcium carbonate or crushed silicon dioxide, removes food debris and stains from the surface teeth.

An important point: the product must be certified by the American Dental Association - this is a guarantee of its harmlessness and compliance with the declared properties.


In addition to calcium carbonate and abrasive, any paste may contain a dozen more additives.

Synthetic surfactants (surfactants)

Some pastes contain surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate and cocamidopropyl betaine. These substances only create the usual foam. But people with hypersensitivity may develop mouth ulcers after the first cleaning. If you are one of them, look for toothpastes without foaming ingredients.

In absolutely everyone, sodium lauryl sulfate causes temporary dysfunction of taste buds - that’s why after brushing your teeth, food seems bland. In addition, due to the nature of production, the substance may be contaminated with dioxane, a by-product with a carcinogenic effect.

Whitening components

As a rule, hydrogen peroxide and polyphosphates are responsible for the whitening functions in toothpastes, which protect the enamel from staining with foods high in pigments. However, experts question the ability of pastes to make your smile snow-white, since the concentration of whitening components in them is insufficient and they do not remain on the teeth for too long. But a polyphosphate wave can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.


These components are designed to eliminate the discomfort of tooth sensitivity. Stannous fluoride coats the exposed dentin, preventing hot, cold and sweet foods from irritating the nerve, thereby causing pain. Another common ingredient is potassium nitrate, which reduces nerve sensitivity. Both really cope with the task, but a special toothpaste should not replace a trip to the dentist.


Designed for the prevention of caries. Stimulates salivation, preventing the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity. However, to achieve the goal, you need to brush your teeth not two, or even three times a day, but much more. In addition, if xylitol gets into the digestive tract, it can cause diarrhea and bloating.

Artificial sweeteners

Widespread aspartame is not at all harmless. Easily breaking down into components, it becomes a source of phenylalanine, from which methanol (methyl alcohol) is formed. Unlike the methanol associated with pectin in fruits, the aspartame derivative is easily absorbed by the body. Penetrating through the blood vessels into the brain, methyl alcohol is converted into formaldehyde - a fast-acting cellular poison and carcinogen.

Diethanolamine (DEA)

Diethanolamine is a common ingredient in many foaming products, including toothpaste. It not only has a disruptive effect on hormones, but can react with other components of toothpaste, forming a carcinogen. According to studies conducted within the framework of the National Toxicology Program, the substance is associated with the occurrence of cancer of the stomach, esophagus, liver and bladder. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has given diethanolamine a toxicity rating of 10, which is the maximum that can be found in ingredients in hygiene and cosmetic products.

DIY toothpaste

You may get the impression that brushing your teeth is more harmful than not brushing your teeth, while others may have a strong desire to switch to good old tooth powder.


Home pharmacy lovers can use recipes for making ecopaste from Dr. Joseph Mercola, a reputable physician and well-known proponent of natural medicine.

Recipe No. 1

  • 1/2 cup bentonite clay (volcanic ash)
  • 1/8 tsp. table salt
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. stevia as a substitute (optional)
  • 1-4 drops peppermint essential oil

Preparation: combine clay, salt and water, mix well, and then add the rest of the ingredients.

The paste does an excellent job of cleaning teeth, removes microorganisms, unpleasant odors and gently whitens with regular use.

If you don’t have the necessary ingredients on hand, and you don’t feel like brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste, you can use another simple recipe No. 2.

Mix until paste-like

  • 1 tsp soda,
  • 1 drop peppermint or lemon essential oil,
  • some water,

then use the resulting composition for its intended purpose.

What types of pastes with fluoride compounds are there?

Products that contain this component are usually classified as therapeutic and prophylactic. If the concentration is insignificant, then the product will be considered hygienic. Different salts of this component can be presented in different forms: amino fluorides, sodium fluorides, sodium monofluorophosphates and others. Pastes with a high content of the substance are recommended for use in courses.

Such pastes are usually therapeutic and prophylactic

As for the question of which toothpaste does not contain fluoride, the range of possible alternatives is less diverse. Products that do not contain fluoride usually contain other active ingredients, which are also characterized by their own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of fluoride toothpastes

Many people specifically choose hygiene products with fluoride to strengthen their teeth and prevent the development of caries. Indeed, in some cases, this element protects the enamel from the action of harmful bacteria and strengthens it. Under the influence of fluoride, less acid is released, which affects the enamel. Therefore, anti-caries toothpastes often contain fluoride.

The main benefits of fluoride toothpastes include:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • improvement of the remineralizing effect of saliva;
  • stimulation of the salivary gland;
  • inhibition of the transformation of soft plaque into tartar.

Can it be used by children?

When choosing a product for children's teeth, it is important to assess the possible risks - whether it will bring more benefit or harm in your particular case. And to do this, you should first show your child to the dentist and consult with him about purchasing the most suitable toothpaste.

You should also take into account that most young children swallow part of the paste during brushing, and this can cause undesirable consequences, including stomach and intestinal upset. So, the concentration of the component should not exceed 1500 ppm1 - this is how this indicator will be indicated on the packaging, indicating how much of the substance is contained in this paste.

For a child, you need to choose only children's toothpaste

However, modern manufacturers also produce fairly effective and safe fluoride products for children, which provide excellent prevention of childhood caries. But it can only be used in courses and according to the indications of a pediatric dentist.

Triclosan in cosmetics and hygiene products

Antibacterial soaps and body washes and fluoride toothpastes are considered over-the-counter medications, according to FDA guidelines at www.fda.gov [10]. If an over-the-counter drug contains triclosan, it must be listed as an ingredient on the label in the “drug facts” box. If a cosmetic product contains triclosan, it must be included in the list of ingredients on the product label.

So, abroad, manufacturers of products with triclosan are required to indicate the presence of the component on the product packaging, in the list of ingredients or in other accompanying documents.

Most recently, in light of the epidemiological situation, the SVOBODA factory resumed production of toilet soap with triclosan. And this is clearly stated on the packaging of the bar soap. Many proponents of using triclosan products will notice and choose this product. Others who are wary of using a cosmetic product with triclosan will choose another product, and thus ethical standards of interaction with the end consumer will be observed.

Please note that triclosan can cause dry skin. A solution can be found in the use of additional softening components. Thus, the Arlasilk product from Croda (a phospholipid from coconut oil), when added to the formulation, can reduce the percentage of triclosan introduced and provide protection against dryness while maintaining antimicrobial activity.

What harm could it do?

Fluoride is found not only in hygiene products, but also in food and even tap water. The acceptable daily intake is approximately 3 mg. But in certain regions and localities, the content of the substance in running water greatly exceeds the norm, which can lead to an overdose of this microelement, especially in children.

So, why is it considered that such pastes are harmful, and why is an excess of this substance dangerous? Let's start with the fact that the element in question is characterized by toxicity and the ability to accumulate in tissues, including tooth enamel - this is one of the reasons why such products cannot be used constantly.

When this happens, a pathology called fluorosis develops. White spots appear on the teeth, after which they become noticeably darker, literally corroding hard tissue. This condition requires treatment by a dentist. In such cases, specialists usually prescribe remineralization and fluoridation, as well as the use of special hygiene products that help restore damaged tissue.

An excess of the substance in the body can cause fluorosis

Purpose and features of triclosan

The component was first obtained in 1965 by Swiss scientists. The drug belongs to the chlorophenolic group. It is widely used in hygiene products and household chemicals as an antibacterial substance. After the introduction of this component, many studies were conducted to study its safety in relation to human health.

Due to its antibacterial properties, triclosan is active against a wide range of microorganisms. The effectiveness of its use is confirmed by many years of practical experience in using it in hygiene products. The component interacts well with other components of dental products, which makes it possible to create complex formulations. Even in low concentrations it does not lose its properties.

Triclosan acts on the cytoplasmic membranes of various microorganisms, thereby effectively neutralizing pathogenic fungi and bacteria. A significant disadvantage is the destruction of not only negative, but also beneficial microflora.

Substance poisoning - symptoms

A sufficient, but not excessive intake of this substance into the body helps strengthen the enamel and improve the condition of the teeth. However, overdose can cause serious damage. Usually in such cases they talk about the development of fluorosis. Among the most common varieties of this pathology, experts in the field of dentistry distinguish spotted, streaked, chalky-speckled, erosive and destructive forms. Let's look at them in a little more detail:

  • spotted - involves the formation of small light spots on the enamel, which can merge with each other, forming one large spot,
  • streaked - light stripes of different shapes appear on the incisors, which can also combine to form fairly large strokes,
  • chalky-mottled - the surface of the teeth becomes dull and yellowish, while many dots and specks appear on its surface. Pathological abrasion of the enamel is noted, due to which the dark color of dentin begins to appear,
  • erosive – leads to the formation of numerous specks, but primarily affects the chewing surface of the teeth,
  • destructive – dental tissues become fragile and quickly break down.

The photo shows dental fluorosis.
An excess of fluoride in the body also affects the condition of the skeletal system. One possible complication is osteoporosis, in which the bones become soft and calcium is quickly washed out of them. Pathological changes occur in the joints, causing ankylosis to develop. In advanced cases, the liver and kidneys suffer.

Antibacterial properties of the component

The periodontium consists of the gums, the cement covering the root of the tooth, the bone tissue of the alveolar process and the ligament that holds the tooth in the bony alveolus. Inflammatory periodontal diseases are most often caused by the action of pathogenic microorganisms.

As an antibacterial component, triclosan is used in anti-inflammatory toothpastes to destroy microbes that multiply in areas of inflammation. In addition, during inflammation, specific substances – inflammatory mediators – accumulate in the tissues of the body.

Normally, they are constantly present in tissues, but during inflammatory reactions the concentration of mediators increases sharply. They increase vascular permeability, which is why redness and swelling appear around the pathological focus.

Due to the release of the liquid part of the blood from the blood vessels into the tissues, pain occurs as the exudate compresses the nerve endings. Local and general increase in temperature is also a consequence of the work of mediators.

The component inhibits the action of mediators and prevents the development of signs of inflammation. Experiments have proven that the use of products with triclosan is effective against gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

How to remove excess substance from the body

There are methods that allow you to remove excess fluoride from the body, but they give the desired result only if the pathology is in the initial stages of its development. Here are the main ways to combat intoxication with this element:

  • iodine – promotes the excretion of the substance in the urine, so it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in this component: strawberries, lingonberries, beans, potatoes,
  • boron – also effectively removes fluoride and is found in high concentrations in honey, nuts, dates, avocados, prunes,
  • selenium – blocks the activity of an excess element, found in sufficient quantities in Brazil nuts,
  • dry sauna – helps remove accumulated toxic substances through sweating.

Consumption of iodine-containing products helps remove the substance from the body.
But before moving on to measures to remove the substance, it is necessary to limit its entry into the body. For a while, you will have to give up foods with a high content of it, switch to clean bottled water, and stop using fluoride-containing hygiene products.

Harm of triclosan to the body

It has been proven that triclosan, when entering the body, has a number of undesirable effects on various organs and systems.

Hormonal imbalance

The substance, once on the skin as part of creams and ointments, easily passes through the skin barrier, as it is a fat-soluble substance. It enters the bloodstream and behaves like the female sex hormone estrogen. This replacement therapy disrupts hormonal levels and leads to gonadal cancer in men and women. Children may experience early puberty.

Thyroid dysfunction

Triclosan metabolic products interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland regulates all types of metabolism, is responsible for the formation of energy and the proper development of the body.

Development of heart and vascular diseases

The component changes the contractility of muscle fibers, including the main muscle in the body - the heart.

Destruction of beneficial microflora

The component affects both pathogenic forms and resident microflora of the body. Beneficial bacteria, necessary for a balanced internal environment, die from the action of the substance.

Weakened immune system

To form a strong immune system, the body needs to deal with natural “dirt.” The immune system will then activate its defense systems and produce antibodies. People who have been using personal hygiene products with antibacterial components since childhood are more susceptible to infectious diseases, since their immunity does not develop sufficient resistance to environmental factors.

With prolonged exposure to a substance, pathogenic bacteria develop resistance, or tolerance, to the substance. When an infectious disease develops in the body, the treatment of which requires antibiotics, microorganisms may exhibit the same resistance, and therapy will be ineffective.

Harm to fetal development

According to some studies, triclosan negatively affects the health of the fetus in the womb. It reduces blood flow to the fetal brain, which leads to oxygen deficiency of the organ, and this leads to a disruption in its development.

Poisoning of the body

When interacting with tap water, the substance combines with chlorine. As a result, special compounds are formed - dioxides, which are absorbed into the blood and have a toxic effect on the body.

In addition to its direct effect on the human body, triclosan, when released into the environment with water, pollutes water bodies and soil, and poisons plants and animals.

In Russia you can easily purchase products containing this substance. However, in 2016, US authorities issued a ban on the sale of soap containing triclosan as an antibacterial component. The ban does not apply to other products, including pastes.

Tips for choosing dental hygiene products

In order for daily cleaning to be as effective as possible, you need to carefully consider the choice of toothpaste. It is best to consult your dentist in this matter and give preference to the product that is most suitable for your specific case. All toothpastes on the market can be divided into three independent categories:

  • hygienic – used for daily cleansing of enamel and aromatization of breath,
  • medicinal – they contain active additives that, when interacting with damaged or inflamed tissues of the oral cavity, help stop pathological processes,
  • therapeutic and prophylactic - also contain active components, but in lower concentrations, prevent the development of many dental diseases - teeth and periodontal tissues.

When choosing a toothpaste, carefully study its composition. You need to
choose which toothpastes contain fluoride, or give preference to a product without this component, taking into account the current condition of the teeth and oral cavity. The dentist will help you with this after examining and assessing the current condition of the enamel.

Indications for the use of fluoride pastes

Of course, in some cases, toothpastes with fluoride will be useful to patients, but, as we have already said, only a dentist should prescribe them. The specialist will assess the condition of the enamel and oral cavity, and then determine whether the teeth have enough fluoride and what kind of toothpaste they need.

Therapeutic toothpastes with calcium and fluoride are indicated for use if the patient has:

  • signs of dental demineralization;
  • poor enamel resistance to acids;
  • fragility of teeth, tendency to chip;
  • minor signs of caries.

The fluorides contained in such toothpastes create a thin protective layer on the crowns. All substances hazardous to enamel do not penetrate it and their negative impact is reduced several times. Incoming fluoride, when it is deficient in the body, slows down the proliferation of bacteria and, accordingly, the development of caries. The likelihood of gum inflammation is also reduced.

Rating of the best products containing fluoride

Today on pharmacy shelves you can find a wide variety of different brands of dental and oral hygiene products. Let's take a closer look at which pastes contain this substance and are considered the most popular in their segment.

Paradontax for healthy teeth and gums

According to the manufacturer, the paste helps restore gums and reduce signs of inflammation and bleeding. The presence of fluoride in its composition ensures high-quality plaque removal and caries prevention. According to reviews, within just a few days of using Paradontax, gums acquire a healthy pink tint, and teeth become noticeably whiter.

Colgate for caries protection

One of the most popular companies today that produces various hygiene products to keep the oral cavity clean and healthy. Fluoride paste helps prevent the development of caries in the initial stages, effectively remove plaque and prevent stone formation.

Blend-a-med with active fluorine in its composition

This option is optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. The product is affordable and quite effective - it successfully removes plaque, eliminates unpleasant odor, and prevents gum inflammation. You need to understand that using a paste for daily use is unlikely to achieve a perfectly snow-white smile, but it will definitely help with plaque and bacteria.

Sensodyne against hypersensitivity

This remedy effectively combats hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity of enamel, especially during temperature changes and mechanical irritation. In addition, it perfectly fights the first signs of caries. Before you start using any product that contains high fluoride, it is best to talk to your dentist. Constant use of such pastes is undesirable.

The history of fluoride in toothpastes

Fluoride was first used in toothpastes more than 100 years ago, in 1914 in the USA. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists found that this element is an excellent protection against caries and its use reduces the rate of tooth decay by an average of 30-45%. Under the influence of fluorine, enamel became resistant to acids and more durable.

Why is fluoride needed in toothpaste?

Surprisingly, the same element can be both healing and destructive to the body. And fluoride is just that: the substance can both restore and strengthen tooth enamel, and cause irreparable harm to it. It is thanks to fluoride that the strength of bone tissue in the body is maintained; this element plays a key role for the health of hair, nails and teeth. Fluoride is very important in the growth and development of a child: without it, his skeleton does not develop normally.

In addition, fluorine has a beneficial effect on metabolism: without this element, the body cannot remove heavy metals. The substance also helps absorb iron and supports immunity.

When there is a lack of fluoride in the body, bones and teeth are the first to suffer. Bones bend, become brittle and brittle, and in the event of a fracture they heal very slowly. With a lack of fluoride, the enamel gradually becomes thinner, it is increasingly affected by plaque bacteria, and caries develops faster and faster.

In fact, it is not difficult to provide the body with its daily requirement of fluoride. Products high in this substance include:

  • a variety of fruits, such as grapefruits and apples;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • various types of meat (especially liver);
  • various vegetables - pumpkin, spinach, potatoes;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal porridge;
  • honey;
  • any types of tea.

By drinking enough water per day and eating right, you can provide yourself with fluoride. Therefore, the need for toothpastes with fluoride should only be determined by a dentist. As a rule, fluoride products are prescribed to smokers and people who abuse coffee.

How to brush your teeth correctly

Choosing the right toothpaste is only half the battle. To achieve a visible and tangible effect, it is important to learn how to properly carry out daily cleaning. Let us remind you that the main rule of maintaining oral hygiene is regular cleaning of the enamel with a brush and paste. As for the technique of its implementation, experts in the field of dentistry provide several more important recommendations in this regard:

  • from the outside, the teeth must be cleaned with vertical sweeping movements, starting from the gums (if you brush in a horizontal direction, you can damage the enamel),
  • similar vertical movements should be used to clean the inner surface,
  • posterior molars can be cleaned using horizontal movements, paying special attention to the chewing surface,
  • Next, you should move on to the tongue - its surface must be cleaned, since it is on it that the largest number of bacteria accumulate.

It is better to learn the correct cleaning technique from childhood. This is one of the reasons why, after the appearance of the child’s first teeth, it is imperative to show him to the dentist for preventive care. Even if you are not sure as an adult that you brush your teeth correctly, a professional dentist will definitely help you with this.

The best toothpastes used for periodontal disease and bleeding gums

When gingivitis (inflammatory gum disease) or periodontitis (inflammation of periodontal tissue) develops, the dentist, along with conservative and surgical treatment methods, usually prescribes a special paste, the functions of which are:

  • Reduced bleeding
  • Removing puffiness
  • Elimination of hyperemia or cyanosis,
  • Relief of pain.

It should be noted that anti-periodontal toothpastes can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not cure the disease. Therefore, they are prescribed as an addition to dental treatment.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by Lacalut pastes.

The German company Lakalut has developed two pastes that can be used for periodontal diseases: Lakalut active and Lakalut phytoformula. Let's consider the composition and advantages of each of them.

Lacalut Fitoformula

Rating: 10.0

Contains aluminum lactate, sodium fluoride and a complex of anti-inflammatory plant components (extracts from sage, St. John's wort, myrrh, ratania). Due to the astringent effect of aluminum lactate, the paste perfectly stops bleeding, and with the help of plant components it relieves inflammation. The use of this remedy is recommended for gum inflammation (gingivitis) and as a continuation of treatment after using Lakalut active paste. Thanks to fluorine compounds, it can have a preventive anti-caries effect.

Lacalut active

Rating: 9.9

The paste contains the antiseptic chlorhexidine, lactate and aluminum fluoride, as well as anti-inflammatory components - bisabolol, allantoin. It has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect after the first use. Fluorine compounds included in the paste have a remineralizing effect. Most often, the paste is prescribed for 10-20 days as an addition to the course of treatment for periodontal disease. Continuous use of the paste is not recommended because it contains chlorhexidine. After the course of treatment, it is recommended to use Lakalut phytoformula paste.

Second place in the ranking - Parodotax pastes

Rating: 9.5

There are two versions of Parodontax anti-periodontal paste - with and without fluoride. The recipe of this paste produced by an English company has not changed since the end of the 20th century. This is a completely natural product, which contains extracts from peppermint, echinacea, sage, chamomile, myrrh, and ratania. In addition to herbal ingredients, the recipe includes mineral salts and zinc citrate. The product has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent and antibacterial effect and a salty taste. When gum pathologies are combined with carious lesions, it is preferable to use Parodontax with fluoride.

Third place – President exclusive pasta

This Italian paste contains antiseptic hexetidine, thyme extract, propolis, sodium fluoride. Due to the antiseptic content, it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is not advisable to use it for more than two weeks; after relief of signs of inflammation, it is recommended to switch to other toothpastes.

Choosing a brush - expert advice

Another mandatory attribute of daily oral care is a brush. Her choice also needs to be taken seriously, and dentists give the following advice on this matter:

  • the head should not exceed 3 cm in length,
  • it is better to choose models with artificial bristles, since natural ones create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria,
  • The ribbed back surface of the head is designed to clean the tongue - there is no need to additionally purchase a special scraper.

It is important to choose the right toothbrush.
If you have sensitive gums that are prone to inflammation and bleeding, it is better to give preference to a brush with soft bristles. But keep in mind that it will be worse at cleaning the enamel from plaque, so the procedure must be especially intense. Hard brushes are intended to be used according to indications - otherwise they can injure the gums and enamel and do more harm than good.


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  10. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/5-things-know-about-triclosan
  11. The Svoboda factory has resumed production of soap with triclosan // Cosmetic-industry.com. 2022. April 3. URL: https://cosmetic-industry.com/fabrika-svoboda-vypustit-polmilliona-shtuk-myla-s-triklozanom-do-kontsa-mesyatsa.html

Additional oral care tips

Even with systematic brushing of teeth twice a day and regular rinsing after meals, any dental problems cannot be completely ruled out. To further protect yourself from caries and other troubles, it is better to limit the consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks, coffee and smoking - all of these are the main provocateurs of pathological processes in the oral cavity.

Try to give up bad habits

You must remember to use fossa threads, and also visit the dentist’s office regularly - at least twice a year. If you notice suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor - this is the only way to detect any problem in its very beginnings, and therefore quickly resolve it.

  1. According to WHO.


In the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the use of additional hygiene products with antibacterial properties has become very relevant. Triclosan, as a component with high antibacterial efficiency, has a chance to be used in this group of products. At the same time, you should not forget about its possible side effects on the human body, take into account all recommendations when manufacturing cosmetic products with this component and indicate the presence of the ingredient on the packaging.

The role of fluoride

Various fluoride compounds are added to cleaning compositions. The most common are:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • fluorosilicate;
  • fluorosilicic acid.

Fluoride consumption by a person during the day should not exceed the norm of 1.5-3.0 mg, taking into account the role of the element’s effect on the body’s carbon and fat metabolism.

The best medicinal toothpastes for caries based on fluoride compounds

Pastes with a therapeutic effect differ from those intended for daily use in the amount of fluoride compounds they contain. pastes with a therapeutic effect are used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stage of caries of a white or chalky spot. All medicinal pastes can be used in a course lasting 2-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least two months. Pastes with an anti-caries effect based on calcium compounds are discussed above.

First place in the rating - President classic pasta

Rating: 10.0

The composition includes sodium fluoride, sage extract, lemon balm and chamomile, peppermint oil, xylitol. As you can see, the paste contains natural ingredients, the therapeutic concentration of fluoride has an anti-caries effect, herbal extracts have an anti-inflammatory effect, and xylitol ensures neutralization of the acidic environment in the oral cavity and has the ability to stop the development of cariogenic microorganisms. Peppermint oil provides a fresh effect.

Second place in the ranking - Silca paste

Rating: 9.5

The German company Silka produces two types of anti-caries pastes - Herbal Complete and Natural Extrakte . Both include sodium fluoride and urea, but differ in the composition of the herbal additives. They have a remarkable anti-caries effect, and thanks to the herbs included in the composition, they prevent the development of gingivitis; urea dissolves plaque, making it easier to remove. Essential oils provide a pleasant taste and smell.

Third place – Elmex tooth decay protection paste

Rating: 9.0

Manufacturer: Chinese company Colgate. The paste is based on amino fluoride and is suitable for daily use because it does not contain antibiotics or other components that require the use of the paste in courses.

The best toothpastes, according to dentists: top 12

A survey of leading specialists from Russian clinics, as well as the results of a test purchase, helped determine which toothpaste dentists recommend.


Occupies a leading position in the top. This is an antibacterial toothpaste that can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The formula of the composition contains lactic acid salts, due to which an anti-inflammatory and anti-caries effect is observed.

It is used in the treatment of dental diseases to ensure enamel protection when using aggressive chemicals.

Splat Lavendercept

SPLAT is the best toothpaste in the Test Purchase category. According to dentists, it is suitable for sensitive oral cavity, has an antibacterial effect, and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

"Lucky Dozen" or rating of the 12 best toothpastes

This rating of toothpastes was compiled with the participation of specialists from dental clinics in Russia. Practical observations and the help of voluntary participants also helped determine which toothpaste is the best. The study involved only high-quality brands of toothpastes that have both whitening and protective and strengthening properties.

Alternative to fluoride

Toothpaste containing calcium is offered as an alternative to fluoride. This is especially true for regions where there is a high amount of fluoride in the water.

Various calcium compounds are used for this purpose:

  • fluorides of potassium, aluminum, sodium;
  • olaflur;
  • monofluorophosphate.

Consumers are advised to alternate between pastes containing fluoride or calcium.

Which pasta should you choose?

Dentists recommend special formulations for use, which must be selected depending on several factors:

  1. The age of the patient and the condition of his teeth.
  2. Quantitative content of fluorine elements in water used for cooking and in everyday life.
  3. Assortment of toothpastes sold in retail chains.
  4. A list of problems that can be solved by using cleaning compounds.

The assortment of cleaning pastes for the older age group includes the following brands:

  • Splat-Maximum (Russia).
  • Splat-Biocalcium (Russia).
  • President unique (Italy).
  • Rox (Russia).
  • Asenta (Russia).

Children's pastes:

  • Teeth gel Weleda (Germany).
  • Splat junior (Russia) .
  • Rocs Pro baby (Russia).
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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