Pain due to strong pressure on the tooth after filling

Installing a filling is a standard procedure that every person faces sooner or later. Using special material, the doctor restores part of the dental tissue that was lost due to therapeutic or restorative measures. Most often, filling is used during the fight against caries and pulpitis. In the latter case, it is assumed that the channels are cleaned and then filled with a composite solution.

These measures are aimed at eliminating physical and pain factors. During the rehabilitation process, the patient may feel discomfort for some time.

Pain is observed in 80% of people, which is considered a normal reaction of the body to aggressive intervention. They take place within 3-14 days, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the physiological characteristics of the individual patient.

What to do if the pain does not subside when pressing hard on the tooth after filling? What could this be connected with, why does this happen?

These measures are aimed at eliminating physical and pain factors. During the rehabilitation process, the patient may feel discomfort for some time. Pain is observed in 80% of people, which is considered a normal reaction of the body to aggressive intervention. They take place within 3-14 days, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the physiological characteristics of the individual patient. What to do if the pain does not subside when pressing hard on the tooth after filling? What could this be connected with, why does this happen?

Symptoms of periodontitis

Let's start with the fact that in the initial stages the disease occurs without symptoms, and it can only be detected at a dentist's appointment; this will require an x-ray. Symptoms appear in the stage of acute periodontitis or as a result of exacerbation of the chronic form. Among the signs of the disease:

  • sharp or aching pain;
  • swelling of the gums in the affected area;
  • feeling as if the tooth has become taller;
  • temperature increase;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • tooth mobility;
  • tissue redness;
  • pain when touching a tooth or chewing food.

If at least two symptoms occur, contact your dentist.

What to do if your teeth itch?

Of course, consult a doctor immediately. Don't try to diagnose it yourself or dismiss the problem as insignificant. Often itching is the first sign, followed by more serious ones: pain, inflammation, bleeding. Only a specialist can prevent negative consequences and relieve you of unpleasant sensations. Well, as a relief, before you get to the dental chair, you can suck on an ice cube or rinse your mouth with a soda solution.

Stages and forms of the disease

Periodontitis is divided according to the general principle into chronic and acute. Chronic cannot be completely cured. It is only possible to eliminate local inflammation and stop further exacerbation of the disease. Chronic periodontitis is asymptomatic and does not bother the carrier, but in case of exacerbation of the disease, symptoms begin to appear. In a calm state, a small fistula may appear on the gum from time to time, and slight discomfort may occur when chewing food or mechanical impact on the area of ​​inflammation. If left untreated for a long time, the risk of tooth loss is high.

Treatment of acute periodontitis has an end result. But even after complete recovery, control over the oral cavity is necessary to avoid re-inflammation. In acute periodontitis, all of the listed symptoms are characteristic, only 2-3 of them may appear, and this is already a signal to visit the dentist. Purulent periodontitis is especially pronounced. In this case, the pain is acute, body temperature rises, and gumboil formation is possible.

Forms of periodontitis:

  • Fibrous. In this case, periodontal tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue. It is often asymptomatic and can be detected by external signs: changes in enamel color, bad breath, pulp death.
  • Granulating. It leaks quickly and destroys bone tissue. It is characterized by painful sensations when pressing on the gums or chewing food. A pulling or bursting pain may be observed without mechanical impact on the tooth.
  • Granulomatous. This is a dangerous type of disease because it is asymptomatic, while destructive processes take place inside the periodontium, which are accompanied by the appearance of cysts and granulomas. If left untreated, the tooth may simply fall out. An infection locked in a granuloma or cyst can “explode” under the influence of the slightest irritant: provoke inflammation (for example, sepsis).
  • Apical. The simplest form, easy to treat. It occurs as a result of untreated pulpitis and is localized in one place near the root.

Another treatment

Unfortunately, no one is immune from such situations, and therefore most modern clinics provide secondary services free of charge. If negative manifestations are associated with improper fitting of the filling, then the situation can be corrected by mechanical grinding of the surface in literally 10 minutes. Problems arising from the presence of voids, remnants of damaged tissue and instrument fragments require a whole range of measures. The doctor removes the old material, eliminates the cause, treats it with medication, and installs a new filling. In case of incorrect diagnosis of caries in the presence of pulpitis, the canal is cleaned according to the standard procedure.

Our clinic initially conducts a consultation and visual examination to identify both obvious and hidden causes of secondary pain. The use of modern equipment allows us to minimize the risks of incorrect diagnosis and incorrect treatment of a particular disease. X-rays are taken before and after the procedure, which is a guarantee of providing dental services at the highest level!

What to do when a filling interferes

Sometimes a filling can get in the way just because you’re not used to it, especially if there was deep caries, pulpitis or periodontitis in its place. That is, it is simply unusual for the patient to feel a filling instead of a cavity. But this feeling passes very quickly, and in just a few days the patient gets used to the healed tooth.

If the feeling of discomfort does not go away, you should consult a doctor. It is important that the treatment is carried out by a qualified dentist.

The first thing the specialist will do is take an impression of the jaws using a copy cloth. After strong clenching of the jaws, an imprint will remain on the surface of the napkin, from which the doctor will be able to determine the area that brings discomfort to the patient. If the area is small, the filling will simply be sanded and the imprinting procedure will be carried out again.

If the cause of discomfort lies in problems with the gums, a periodontist is involved in the treatment.

In some situations, removal of the filling material may be indicated. The tooth is prepared, medications are placed into the cavity, and an insulating gasket is installed. Afterwards, the tooth is closed with a temporary filling and the patient is sent home. If there is no discomfort when you visit the doctor again, a permanent filling is installed.

How long does pain last after dental implant placement?

Let's consider the normal postoperative course of the condition.

1-5 day

. The pain may increase during the first few days, starting from the moment the anesthetic administered before implantation wears off. It can be aching, throbbing, and worsened by tilting the head. While this does not indicate a complication, this is the body’s natural response to intervention. As well as swelling of the tissues in the area of ​​the implant.

5-10 day

. By the 5th day the pain subsides. The swelling subsides completely. The question remains for the patient: how much does the gum hurt after installing the implant, since it is still sensitive. By the 10th day, as a rule, everything goes away.

After 2-6 months

. There are times when everything goes fine, but after a few months or even a year a person complains that the tooth implant around it hurts. Possible reasons:

  • loosening
    of the plug, adaptation crown on the abutment. They rub the soft gum tissue. The situation is not critical. The dentist will adjust, carry out the necessary manipulations and you don’t have to worry about the safety of the implant;

  • implant rejection An unfavorable outcome of the entire implantation is unsuccessful osseointegration. The body did not accept the artificial tooth root. Fortunately, the rejection rate is close to 1%;
  • inflammatory
    gum diseases. This is often due to poor hygiene and violation of the doctor’s postoperative recommendations;
  • injury
    to the jaw nerve, then the jaw hurts after implantation.

If your gums, jaw, or ear hurt for more than 10 days after dental implantation, do not put off visiting the doctor who performed the operation. Early diagnosis and initiation of treatment will avoid complications. Calling after two weeks or more with such symptoms may delay treatment for a longer period.

What is the temporomandibular joint - TMJ

We use this joint while talking, chewing, yawning, laughing - very often. Around it are muscles and tendons that allow the jaw to move in different directions for different purposes.

TMJ problems occur for many reasons:

  • violation of the dental system, for example, congenital anomalies of teeth, gums or bone tissue, malocclusions, injuries, poor-quality prosthetics;
  • congenital anatomical abnormalities of this joint;
  • increased or decreased tone of muscle fibers around the TMJ;
  • active conversational load, for example, among actors, singers, speakers;
  • central nervous system problems;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • excessive tension of the jaw muscles, for example, due to the bad habit of biting nails.

What is the temporomandibular joint and why do problems arise with it? Detailed and clear - in the video:

Actors and singers with active oratorical articulation are at risk for TMJ arthrosis

Treatment methods for bruxism in adults

Treatment of the disease involves the complete elimination of the factors that provoked its occurrence. For this, high-quality diagnostics is necessary.

Since the main cause of teeth grinding at night is nervous tension, it is important to deal with this particular problem. Helpful medical advice can look different.

  • Learn to relax muscle fibers. To do this, you can eat food that requires thorough chewing. The muscles will get tired and will be in a relaxed state the rest of the time.
  • Organize your workday correctly, avoid stress, and avoid drinks that irritate your nervous system.
  • Take a warm bath with herbal decoctions before bed, drink herbal teas.
  • Exercise regularly to promote good sleep.

All of the above methods should be used along with medical intervention. If you neglect to go to the dentist or other medical institution, following simple rules will not help in getting rid of the disease.


For psychological causes of bruxism in adults at night (during sleep), treatment should be carried out by a psychologist. A visit to a specialist is mandatory if the patient is plagued by depression, neuroses, stress, suicidal thoughts and other dangerous symptoms. During the therapy period, the doctor will provide support and help establish the etiology of mental disorders, including noting hereditary or acquired factors.

During therapeutic sessions, a person with mental disorders will learn to cope with stress, emotions, and problems that have arisen. A competent psychotherapist is able to teach a patient to get rid of fears, grievances accumulated in childhood and adolescence, to let go of anger and other experiences. Psychotherapy will have a beneficial effect not only on oral health, because the patient will stop grinding his teeth and straining his jaw, but also on his overall well-being.

Drugs for the treatment of bruxism

The main goal of drug therapy for this disease is to reduce spasmodic muscle tone. The main groups of medications prescribed by dentists individually can be used either separately or in combination.

  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamin B should predominate in them, as well as calcium and magnesium.
  • Sedatives and mild solutions (valerian, motherwort, Novo-Passit).
  • Muscle relaxants (Detilin, Flexen).

It is worth mentioning botulinum toxin injections separately. When the substance is injected into the trigger point of a toned muscle, the analgesic effect quickly appears. After a few days, complete muscle relaxation occurs (muscle relaxation). The procedure helps to forget about the problem for six months to a year. In any case, only a doctor can prescribe such interventions.


Occlusal guards not only eliminate grinding, but also protect teeth. These are safe structures made of soft polymers based on an impression of the patient’s dentition. Wearing the accessory does not bring any discomfort.


  • Daytime. Indicated for serious stages of pathology, worn throughout the day. They are invisible to others, do not distort speech, and do not interfere with eating.
  • Nighttime. They act similarly to those discussed above, but are worn only at night while sleeping.
  • Resonating. Doctors prescribe them if the disease is very advanced. They help move the articular head and get rid of spasms.
  • On one or both jaws. This depends on the extent of the damage and the need to protect a small or large area.
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